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"...You are strong.."

M.A.T.A has changed alot ever since the 'incident' from the past. M.A.T.A Academy was successfully invaded by the numeros, there stood Uno he was infront of the core pillar's body.. Zain. He was stabbed by former friend in the past. "..Djin..." was Zain's last words as he lied on the ground deceased. The young agents was there frozen in place. Djin scoffed and approached Rudy and grabbed his collar. 

"Agh!" Rudy struggled to get off his grasp. Alicia was there injured by her leg, she kneeled down and took aim at the Inviso. Djin looked behind him and threw Rudy aside as he disappeared into the shadowy smoke that covered him. Djin was now behind Alicia, the female neuro didn't have any time to react as she turned around she was kicked very hard on the ground.

The other Numeros who were imprisoned took the opportunity to break out and started attacking the other young agents leaving them injured in the floor.

Jet was shot by one of Dos hairpin which electrified him and crash down by the bushes. Roza on the other hand was on top of the building of the Academy snipping the robots away from invading inside but was soon then got knocked out by Ocho, Moon and Zass was distracting Trez and Nueve. Zass was running around Trez's pace while Moon created some holographic copy of herself and run around Nueve getting his attention. 

Chris and Iman were about to attack Seis and Siete but then a bomb went to them and blew making Chris's knife wore out he was then kicked from the chest and landed on the wall, while Iman got beaten by the 2 brothers Seis and Siete.

Rudy regained his vision back and looked outside. It was a total chaos, the 2 technos  was now lying on the ground unconscious and injured and Mika was stuck on the ground while Chris was on the wall and Iman getting beat up by the 2 brothers. He can't believe what he was seeing.. 'Ali..' Rudy then hissed in pain from his shoulder.

The mentors on the other hand tried their best to defeat the giant robots and stop them from approaching, Agent Geetha couldn't hack through them as she was distracted from trying to hack the giant robots she was knocked away and fell on the ground with her tablet broken.

 Agent Leon was already unconscious from that attack, while Agent Karya and Agent Bakar held them off giving some time for Agent Geetha to shoot her gun to Agent Leon and help the the young agents.

As Agent Geetha arrived at the scene she was shocked and began to heal them by using her gun. Alicia was the first one who was able to regain conscious first, she looked at the Techno mentor infront of her and then the surroundings she then stood up and pointed her Pogo stick at Dos, Trez and Nueve who laughed at their work and electrified them by her bearing bullets. Agent Geetha grabbed Alicia's shoulder and pointed at the M.A.T.A Academy building.

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