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BBB and the others were now currently inside the Captain's ship, Fang was driving while the others were on the sides checking the ship's current condition. A holographic screen then showed up which made Fang to slow down.

 "Do you have sight of the planet?" Commander Koko Ci asked. Sync then pressed a button showing they're location and how close they were on arriving the dark-pinkish planet. 

"Good, You better be careful when exploring that planet. It may seem to be abandoned but we caught up a signal that you won't be alone on that planet, So expect that" Commander Koko Ci said as he fixed up his shades.

"Yes, Commander!" Everyone said. The holographic screen then disappeared making Fang see the inhabited planet. "Planet sighted, now landing is a slow pace." Fang then continued to slow the ship down and landed carefully on the planet's dry ground.

"Okay, everyone we've arrived get ready to go outside" the others nodded. The hatch of the ship then opened showing everyone going out of the ship. 

'The ground is so hard and dry, even the trees looks so dull and dead..' thought BBB who looked down at the ground and his surroundings. "Okay everyone let's go over there, the signal of the power sphera is nearby" Fang looked at his wrist-watch which illuminated a hologram signal tracker.

Everyone then followed Fang behind, after a few minutes Fang's holographic tracker then beeped loudly. "Ow- my ears!-" Sync covered his ears to avoid hearing that loud beeping noise. Sync has always been sensitive to cracking and loud uneven noises, he hates hearing it so Fang turned off his tracker to avoid loud sounds.

"The tracker seems to indicate that the power sphera is close by, everyone look around for any tracks of the power sphera and after that let's meet back here" they all replied with a hum. Gopal and Yaya were looking at the West, Ying was at the South running and looking for anything. Fang was at the North while BBB and Sync was on the East side.



Fang was there looking around his surroundings and decided to turn on his tracker. Before he turned it on he noticed something unusual about the place he was on, Fang then looked around trying to make sure no one was following him. 

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