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Sync was training with Captain Kaizo for the whole 6 days. Due to that, Sync started to use more of his powers than his physical moves because the Captain said that;

 "You can only use those physical moves of yours IF the mission is easy to handle. Use your watch to protect yourself and to beat up those people who are too high leveled for you."

Sync recalled what the Captain said and went to the training room. "You've made it" Captain Kaizo greeted the boy. Sync just nodded and smiled. "Are you ready?" Captain Kaizo stood on his fighting stance, ready to attack. "Yes, Captain." Sync readied his watch.

Sync began attacking the Captain using the combination of Ying's speed and Yaya's flying power. He began attacking again and again with full force of Yaya's super strength. The Captain was dodging his attacks, until Sync began to used the time manipulation power.

The time was slowed inside the training room. The Captain was also affected by the slow-mo speed. Sync then summoned a blue bow, which belonged to one of BBB's elements Ice. Sync pointed the arrow carefully at the Captain and shoot him in a fast state.

Soon the slow-mo then wore off making the Captain look up and saw an arrow very close at him, he didn't have enough time to react. The arrow then hit his stomach. The Captain blinked his eyes and wondered why it didn't hurt. 

He looked down and touched his stomach. As he touched the arrow, it then dissolved into water. It turned out to be just an arrow made out of soft snow. Captain Kaizo just chuckled. "Okay, you got me there" he said as he looked at the boy in front of him grinning.

'He's progressing a lot, I'm impressed' Captain Kaizo thought as he ruffled Sync's head.






"Ready, go!" Captain Kaizo said as he blew the whistle. This time it wasn't a training about powers, It was about speed. Sync ran around the whole map around the Planet Gurunda. Captain Kaizo turned on the timer to see how long Sync could get back. And yes, of course it was hot so Sync decided to sped up a bit. 

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