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"You actually wield..."

The others listened in as the white power sphera was about to continue. "You wield the power of a copy." the white power sphera said. "Eh? A copy? What does that mean??" Gopal was more confused. The white power sphera just chuckled and spin around.

"You see, before I gave the watch to my Master I transferred my own powers to him!" the white power sphera said. "What exactly is your power? Like I mean how does your powers work?" Admiral Tarung asked.


Ochobot notified. "What are you doing Ochobot?" BBB asked her. "I finally got it!!" she shouted. "Oh? Can you explain the information about this unknown power sphere?" Captain Kaizo said with his arms crossed. "Yea sure! But, I can only tell some not everything about him" Ochobot replied. "Okay, go ahead" Ochobot then went to the power sphere.


Information: Copy-Bot can copy anyone's movements by just a touch. Copy-Bot can be actually really dangerous when making a clone of himself. She makes himself a bait for the other people who tries to capture him. She was made from another bot.

 Copy-Bot is the last power sphere who survived during an intense war between aliens and power spheres. Others did not make it.

"That's all I can get.." Ochobot said. "It's ok, at least we know her name now!" Sync said with a happy tone while holding CopyBot on his arms.

"Woah.. So you mean that there's more of them on that planet but died or disassembled something like that?" MotoBot asked them. "WAAH-- Where did you come from?!" Gopal said while still being surprised. 

"We've always been here" MotoBot said with a bored-plain face. "Meow~" a green cat was sitting on the table. "Aww, Hello Cattus!" Yaya said as she took him from her hand. BellBot then turned around and saw another power sphere on Sync's arm.

"Hey, whose that?" BellBot asked them. "Oh that's CopyBot, and extra power sphera that we saved during our last mission" Ying explained. Cattus then went down from Yaya's arms and went to the table to take a closer look at the white power sphere.

"Hey- Aren't we gonna talk about the 'She was made from another Bot' thing??" Fang said. "You're right Fang, Ochobot what did you mean by she was made from another bot?" BBB asked her.

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