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"Welcome back General Tarung and Commander Koko Ci!"

2 twins greeted the 2 people that arrived. "Greeting Sai and Shielda, Is there any reports or meetings today?" General Tarung said in a stern voice. "No General, there has nothing for yo-" the male twin with a round hat noticed someone aboard in the ship. "Shielda!" he shouted as the female twin threw her shield at the hatch of the ship.

"WAH-!" a boy stumbled and fell behind his back. The General and Commander looked at who it was. "Quick we have to-" Sai was cut off by the General. "Sync, come here" the red General smiled at the boy. Sai and her sister was stunned by the General's behavior and continued to back away.

Sync got up from his feet again and slowly walked down the ship trying not to slide. After that Sync went beside the General. "Commander Koko Ci who is this boy?" Shielda whispered at the short alien as Sai listened in. "This is Sync, he's the new member of TAPOPS" the General said as he put the boy infront of him and holding both of his shoulders. Both of the twins looked at the boy and then eachother.

The female twin approached Sync and began pinching the boy's cheeks. "Aren't you just the cutest lil fella" she smiled as she stretched Sync's cheeks a bit wide and close again. "Ack-!" Sync struggled to get off the female's hands.

"*ehem* Shielda" her twin brother cleared his throat. "Ah! Sorry about my actions..uhh..your name again-?" Shielda sweat dropped. "Sync.." he said. "Hehe, Sorry about that Sync it was just to tempting" she apologize at the boy.

"It's okay" Sync then rubbed the both of his cheeks, his cheeks were red due to how hard the female twin pinched his cheek. The female twin just sweat dropped while the male twin just sighed and facepalmed.

"Aduh! Fang get of me!!" BBB was on the floor getting squished by Fang.

"Jeez just wait alright, no need to shout!!" Fang yelled.

"AND YOU GOPAL WAKE UP! ITS NOT THE TIME TO BE FAINTING!!" BBB and Fang yelled at Gopal in unison.

The 2 females just sighed and facepalmed. "Get up you guys the General's watching!" Ochobot warned them. BBB finally squeezed his way out. "Aduh..That hurts.." BBB then looked at infront of him and saw Sync.

"Sync!" BBB ran towards him in a worry. "There you are! I thought you got lost in the ship!!" BBB hugged Sync tightly like a worried older brother. "Hehe, Sorry about that BBB" Sync apologized with a sweat drop on his cheek. BBB just nodded. "Boboiboy, where's Ochobot?" Commander Koko Ci asked him. "Oh she's done recharging Commander, she's currently with Yaya and Ying" BBB said. "Okay" before the General could blink he felt something missing infront of him. It was Sync. "What-"

"I'm just gonna show Sync around General!" BBB said as he took Sync with him with a ^v^ smile. "Ah- Nevermind.." the General said and looked at the twins. "Shielda can you go call Captain Kaizo in the meeting room and Sai, watch over Boboiboy and Sync" General Tarung said in a serious tone. "Yes General!" the twins then separated.

Captain Kaizo POV...

I was doing my daily 'job' until I was called one of my 'team' that I was called by the 'Manager'. I went inside and took off my pirate headband. "Captain Kaizo" Shielda saluted. "What is it?" I asked her. "General Tarung and Commander Koko Ci wants you to meet them at the meeting room." Shielda replied. I sighed and nodded. I went into the closest empty room and changed into my uniform. After that I went outside using the backdoor.


"Captain Kaizo, how are you today?" I looked at the short alien inside the room. "It was good, now then what do you need from me." I said as I drank the water by the table. "Okay so...We have a new member in TAPOPS and--" I choked on the water I drank and looked at him. "A new member?" I said in disbelief. 

'I thought there was only 5 people who possess Ochobot's power?' I thought as I looked at them again, they were serious. 

"Alright then.. What does he posses?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed together. "Posses? Pfft- No. He does not posses any power or anything." General Tarung said as he crossed his arms. I then raised a brow as I looked at them. "Here, we'll show you a video we caught on camera then" they said as I just looked at the screen.












∽ 10th Chapter Finished ∼

Time Check or Finished: 7:38PM

Published at: 7:40PM

❤∼ 790 words ∽❤

∽ Bye! I'm sorry that this was short ∼

∼ I'll be busy tommorow so I'm gonna try and publish at 2AM ∽

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