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Sync groaned as he stopped his alarm. 'What time is it..' he thought as he looked at the alarm, 4:30AM. 'Huh, I must've forgot to change it' Sync just shrugged it off and sat at the edge of his bed. Some minutes went by as he got up and took a shower and changed into his cloths. 

Sync stood on his place for a while and tried to remember what the Captain said yesterday. But sadly he couldn't recall on what he said yesterday night. Sync kept on thinking and recalling until he checked my watch. It was having a reminder for him, Sync then clicked the reminder and saw it.

'At 5AM..Meeting..' he was still confused. Sync looked at the time on my watch. It was 4:57AM. 'Wait..' the moment that he realized, Sync snapped neck at the clock again it was almost 5!.

'ADULAH! I HAVE A MEETING WITH THE COMMANDER AND ADMIRAL AT 5!!' Sync screamed internally, he didn't have enough time to look at the clock once again and just immediately rushed out of my room and closed it.

Sync rushed to the hallways trying to get to the Admiral's meeting room just in time. This time, he was lucky that the hallway wasn't so crowded by the alien workers. Sync then arrived outside the Admiral's meeting room panting. Shortly he finally got his breathing under control.

Sync walked inside and saw the Admiral, Commander and Captain Kaizo. "Sync, you made it" Captain Kaizo looked at the boy. "How was your sleep?" he asked him with a smile. "It was good" Sync replied with a small smile.

Sync looked at the 2 people inside. "Good Morning, Admiral and Commander" Sync said as he did the TAPOPS salute. "Good Morning Sync, please take a seat." Admiral Tarung said as Sync just sat to the extra chair in front of him. The 3 of them looked at each other and then back at me. 'What are they doing?' Sync wondered.

"*ahem* So Sync, you must be wondering why you're here?" Commander Koko Ci was the first one to talk. Sync looked at him and nodded. "The reason you were sent here early in the morning was because, we have a mission for you" Commander Koko Ci continued. 

"A mission for me?" Sync said as he perked up. "Yes, but this time Boboiboy and his friends won't be coming along with you" Admiral Tarung said in a stern tone. "So basically a solo mission for me?" Sync asked as he raised a brow. They just hummed in agreement.

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