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A cat screamed and came out of Sync's small bag. "What the-" Sync almost jumped by the noise. The cat revealed itself, it turned out to be a green cat. "CATTUS?!-" Sync shouted. The cat then shake its body while the bell rang around her neck. "Aduh, that hurts" the yellow bell around the cat's neck said.

"BellBot." Sync's face darken making the cat and power sphere feel the boy's dark and scary aura. "Haha- Hai Sync-" BellBot said as she sweat dropped while the green cat just sat on the bed with his ears and tail down.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here." Sync said as his tone changed into a dark monotone. The green cat and power sphere gulped. "Well- I- We- We just accidentally fell asleep on the- I MEAN your bag!" BellBot created an excuse, which made Sync raise a brow. Clearly he doesn't buy that as an excuse.

"Mhm." Sync squinted his eyes looking at the green cat and power sphere, which made them back away a bit. "FINE! We give up." BellBot gave up and sighed, Sync on the other hand just made a poker face and sat next down to the green cat. "Meow.." Cattus looked down at the bed.

"Tell me the truth then" he said while looking at them. "It's just that, I noticed that you haven't been petting us for the past 6 days. And then when they reported that you were leaving TAPOPS for a mission, we just couldn't stand it alright!" BellBot explained and turned around not facing Sync. 

The boy just laughed at the power sphere's reaction, while the green cat's ears perked up and looked at the boy laughing. "Okay, I'll stop now" Sync said as he catch his breath. The small yellow power sphere just pouted at him. 

"Hehe, sorry BellBot- But the excuse was too funny- PFFT--" Sync covered his mouth with his hands. "Hey! Stop laughing!!" BellBot yelled at him. "Hehehe" Sync giggled and soon stopped. "Fine, fine- I will- This time it's serious" Sync took a deep breathe and sighed, he looked at the cat and power sphere on his bed.

Cattus and BellBot just stared at him with a blank face then looked away. "AH- hey I'm sorry okey?" Sync apologized to them with a sweat drop. Sync just sighed. "Hey" he said while getting the green cat and yellow bell's attention.

"If you came here with me, where do you charge up then?" he asked BellBot. "Ah, well I can just regenerate my own energy under the sunlight!" BellBot replied to Sync's question. 

"Oh I see, but wouldn't that also hurt yourself at the same time-? I mean, the sun can be pretty hot and you know- you might heat up or something" Sync explained the problem to the yellow bell. "It'll only hurt for a while, but at least its worth it" BellBot said as Cattus just meowed.

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