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"Wah~ That was delicious!" Ali smiled to himself with satisfaction. "Who made it anyway?" he asked. 

"Hn? How'd you know?" Khai looked at Ali with his hand on his chin. "Oh c'mon, you think I wouldn't notice?" Ali said in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes playfully. 

"It's that noticeable huh" Moon sweat dropped. 

"Well if you want to know who made it...It was actually Agent Geetha with her Ice Cream bots" Iman said.

 "Huh..? HUH?? Agent Geetha has an Ice Cream Bot??" Ali said with stars in his eyes. "Mhm!" Moon and Iman nodded. "Wow that's so cool!" Ali smiled. The 4 of them walked back in the academy.

 *{They were by the Beach outside the academy}*

As they arrived Ali's phone began to beep. 'BEEP BEEP' 'BEEP BEEP' Ali took out his phone and looked at the time. 9:25pm.

Ali was hanging out with the 3 agents for almost 3 hours. "Ah!"

 "What's wrong Ali?" Khai tapped his shoulder. "I have to go now, I have a mission! Bye guys!" Ali waved as he ran to where Ali should meet Agent Bakar and Alicia.

 "BYE ALI!!" Moon shouted as she waved her hand high into the air while Iman and Khai just waved normally. 

Typical Moon, she's always so energetic and positive.


Ali arrived on 9:28, meeting Agent Bakar and Alicia to the agreed location.

 "There you are." Alicia stated. "Am I just in time?" he asked. "Yea, look over there it's them" Alicia pointed at the 2 persons standing and roaming around.

 Ali's IRIS zoomed to the location to see them well, and it was Dos and Trez. "Let's huddle up and make a plan" Agent Bakar said as he acted like a responsible but yet in a child-ish tone.

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