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All the agents focused on the blue mentor's eyes. The room was now swallowed with silence.

Moon was about to speak but changed her mind. The young agents has they're eyes furrowed, others were worried. It seemed to be serious so they decided to stay silent and listen to the 2 agent's on front of them. The General on the hologram left to explain the reason why the young agents were gathered to the core pillars.

"So, the mentors have been keeping an eye and observing you and your actions lately." Agent Bakar said breaking the silence that suffocated the room. "And Agent Geetha has been having a lot of reports too about Ali" he continue to speak.

Some of the young agents lost interest of listening when they heard Ali's name, but Rudy on the other hand he decided to listen when the IRIS boy's name was mentioned and listened carefully instead of ignoring it like the others.

Agent Bakar sighed as he knew that the other young agents looked away and scoffed. "What about him?" Roza said as she crossed her arms.

"Agent Roza, you really think that we didn't know about you who shot Ali's shoulder on purpose on camera?" Agent Leon glared at her as Roza looked away. "We all know what you did and didn't, so don't pretend to act innocent." Agent Leon continued, his voice was stern and serious.

 "But Agent Leon! Ali was the one who hurt us first with override-!" Jet objected but got cut off by a furious tone. "DEY!!!" Jet stopped and looked at who yelled..It was none other than the General's daughter, Alicia.

Alicia has her hand on her head and massaged her temple. The other young agents were also kind of surprised about Alicia's cracked voice, she also had the same eyes as Agent Bakar but the eyebags were more redder. Alicia hissed in frustration.

"WE CALLED YOU HER FOR AN ANNOUNCEMENT NOT AN ARGUEMENT!!" she yelled again. Agent Bakar then touched her shoulder signaling her to calm down. 

"You are gathered here for a loss in this academy..." Agent Geetha said taking over Bakar's speech since he was calming down Alicia.






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