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Alicia POV...

I managed to catch IRIS in my hand and then Ocho tried to grab it away from me. I dodged his attempt and luckily I heard some marching and there. It was back-up, the M.A.T.A bots managed to find the place we were in, I'm confused, why did they sent the M.A.T.A bots here? We already managed to knock out Trez and Dos, and some 'extras'.

The M.A.T.A robots began to shoot at Ocho and it's microbots. Some of the robots began taking Siete, Seis and Trez.

I watched as Cinco and Ocho managed to flee the shots from the robots.

I catched my breath and looked at Agent Bakar who was holding his arm. 

'I guess he got hurt while fighting with Cinco' I thought. "Alicia, where's Ali." he said as he got treated by some M.A.T.A bots with check-ups.

 "What do you mean? I thought he was with you.." I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked up him.

 "..Alicia, he wasn't" he said as he said in a serious tone. My eyes softened and looked around the surroundings, It was true Ali wasn't anywhere.

Then it hit me, I last saw Ali on the ground lying after he threw IRIS at me and got kicked by Ocho and he was close on the edge.

 'No..HE COULDN'T BE' I jumped down from floor to floor, I didn't care if I got scratched or got dust on my suit. All I thought was about Ali, hoping that he managed to use his boots to slow his fall. 

I arrived at the bottom and searched the bottom circling. All I got was just Ali's scooter that was parked when he chased Trez up the building.

 I couldn't accept this too easily. 'Maybe he's playing some prank on us again' I sighed as I kept myself positive hoping that he was.

I looked up to see where he might be hiding. "Ali! Come out! This isn't funny you know!!" I yelled while waiting for a response. I walked to the bushes and looked around, but there was nothing.

 I began to panic, I tried to steady my breathing. And I felt a presence behind me, hoping that it was Ali finally coming out of his hiding spot.

End of Alicia's POV...

[Ali used to prank Alicia and his Uncle, he once even hid somewhere like a 5 year old would do. He scared his Uncle and thought that Ali turned into a ghost or something and passed out. Alicia who was never got into Ali's prank always punch his head when he does that again, Alicia was like an older sister to Ali that's why he likes to make excuses to her, While Alicia on the other hand ALSO sees Ali as an annoying little brother who wanted her attention to play with him.]

Agent Bakar's POV...

I saw Alicia jumped from floor to floor, I just let her since I know she has great defense for her own. I looked around the area and caught a glimpse of Ali's yoyo that was near the edge.

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