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A  boy was walking in his class and putted his bag down then stared at the window. A few moments later other students arrived too. "Hai! Good morning, how are you today?" a female asked the boy who was staring outside to oblivion. 

"Leave me alone Mia, I'm not in the mood to talk." he said as he used his hands to signal her away from his table. "You're never in a mood to talk!" Mia slammed her fist down the male's table and then walked away then went to her own section. The male just let out a 'tch' sound and went back to looking outside the window missing someone.

A while later Alicia came in with the other students who just enrolled 2 years ago, started chatting. There was at least 11 of them in total. 5 females and 6 males. The females then started to talk and chat with each other except one who just kept quiet while the others talked, as for the males, well.. they didn't talk that much.

Apparently the male and female students were separated into 2 sections, due to an incident that happened 2 months ago. A male and a female student was caught alone in the classroom making  s3x⩃₪ʟ  activities inside. They were spotted by the teacher and got sent to the principal's office and was dropped off immediately by the school principal.

Soon the bell then rang. The 5 females that was inside the male's section then returned to their own section before the teacher came inside. As they left they were just in time to arrive in their own section. 

A while later the teacher then entered the room and greeted the students, the students then replied with a 'good morning' and sat back down on the seat.

"Okay students today we will discussing about Biology and Human Anatomy!" the teacher exclaimed happily as the the other students got hyped by the teacher's energy. "I'm glad everyone's having a lot of energy today! Now let's start now shall we?" he said with a smile.

She turned on the projector by using a remote. "Okay, everyone get out your notebooks because you will be needing to copy this!" he said as the students grabbed they're books and started to open them. The teacher then turned his laptop on and connected it to the projector. 

"I'll be showing you a video about how the human anatomy works, so please take down note okay?" he said in a joking tone with a laugh. "Ok Sir Bidin!" the students replied and readied they're pens. The teacher then started the video and all of the students looked at it and started taking down notes.

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