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Alicia called his name but Ali chose to ignore it, Ali wasn't himself anymore nor is in control anymore. 

Trez looked tired from fighting Ali, with fighting Ali but he still charged an attack making Ali dodge it with ease. Someone tried to shoot Ali from behind with a laser.

And that person was Jenny.. Or now known as Cinco.

Ali dodged the laser and looked at her with a plain dull face. Alicia and Agent Bakar went to fight Cinco.

 Alicia aimed one of her bearing bullets and tried to shoot Cinco down. Cinco dodged and smirked.

 When Agent Bakar went to help out Alicia, Seis and Siete stopped Agent Bakar from interrupting Cinco and Alicia's fight. Agent Bakar couldn't escape the 2 males who was fiddling with the soccer ball, they played with it and Siete threw it at him on the side. Seis ran behind the blue agent and hit his back. 

"AGH!" Agent Bakar was able to maintain his balance after the attack.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Cinco said as she smiled cynically as she continued to point the laser at Alicia. Alicia took a step back and readied one of her bearing balls to shoot. Alicia gritted her teeth and dodged and shoot at the same time.


{Len: Woah I wonder if she can teach me that too}


{Len: Hmph.}


Alicia continued to charge her bullets to Cinco again and again. Cinco dodged them and backed up. Alicia noticed a microbug. Turns out that there wasn't only Dos and Trez. 

Alicia and Agent Bakar was now on a 2v1 moment.

"GAH" Trez groaned when the override agent slowly went up to him and was hit many times by Ali's yoyo again and again making Trez's chest hurt and didn't have enough time to stand up take his pace. 

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