Chapter Four

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I completely ignored my dad Wednesday morning. I knew he was keeping something from me. After putting on a grey t-shirt and blue jeans, I padded down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab my lunch.

"Hey, sweetie." Dad said. I pretended I didn't hear him and walked out the door. It was a sunny day, and perfect for running.

I ran down my street and around the corner. I saw the brick school in the distance, and poured all of my emotions into running. I looked down and just charged like a bull, trusting my instincts to tell me when a car was coming. I guess my instincts didn't count teenage boys in my path.

I ran into Jordan, and sent us sprawling to the ground. An oomph noise came out of Jordan, and I landed heavily on his chest. I hadn't realized how tall he was yesterday. Jordan had at least an inch or two on me.

I rolled off his chest and stood, helping him get up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you okay? Why were you just standing there?" I could have rambled on like that, but he held up his finger.

"I am fine. Thank you for asking, but I wasn't just standing here, I happened to call out your name." He replied, brushing his black Imagine Dragons shirt off.

"Oh." I stated. That's embarrassing, I thought.

"Aren't you supposed to be going to school?" Jordan asked.

I nodded."Yeah. I run to school as long as it's nice out." He nodded.

"So I'll see you after school's over, yeah?" Jordan asked.

"What makes you think that I'll help you with your leaves." I asked.

"I did help you with your leaves." He stated simply.

"I didn't ask though. You helped on your own accord," I replied,"Now I have to get to school. So if you'll move..." I walked around him. His arm brushed mine as he laughed. I shivered at the slight touch. What is wrong with me, I thought, I met him yesterday!

I sped up my pace until I was running. I could feel him staring after me. I slowed to a walk when I got on school property. Jordan's laugh echoed through my head.


I walked to my locker, still thinking about Jordan.

"Mayne!" Dina grabbed my arm, and turned me around. I blinked a few times to recognize that I was at my locker.

"Are you alright?" Dina asked. She was my best friend since the preschool pudding incident, and always knew when something was up.

"No. Yeah. I don't know, Dina." I said,"The new kid that moved in lives right behind me." I sighed.

"And you like him?" Dina asked. I thought about it. I only know his name and what he looks like.

"No," I shook my head, "I just met him yesterday. He helped me with my leaves. I'm supposed to help him after school." I shook my head again. Dine raised her brows and sighed. We opened our lockers and grabbed our things. I walked to class absentmindedly.

I barely made it through my first two hours before History. By then I had two pre-tests, so the movie about the civil war was a reprieve. I sat in class drawing what a new moon would look like. I have never actually seen one in person though, because I'm always inside when there is one.

By the time class was over, I had drawn three new moons. I gathered my things and walked to the lunch room. With my lunch in hand, I sat next to Dina at our lunch table.

One of the few populars that I could tolerate, Kenzie Llama, the last name was a joke because she once rode a llama, sat at our table and was taking about Jordan.

"Yeah I saw the new kid walking around the neighborhood this morning when I was on the bus." Kenzie exclaimed. She was right next to me and I could hear every word she said.

Kenzie was a blonde with brown eyes, and was pretty cool in my book. I overheard something else though. Someone was talking about how they heard wolves howling, since they lived right next to the woods.

That thought bothered me for some reason. I shook it off, and tried to have a normal conversation with Dina. Why was this thought bothering me so much? Wolves live in our woods. I knew that.

So why did this bother me now?

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