Chapter Nineteen

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Zac's POV
I glanced at my watch and looked over to the bathroom I saw Mayne go in. A minute later, I saw a man go into the bathroom. It's time, I thought. I scanned the area for Blake and saw he was talking with Dina and Ems. I looked longingly at Ems, but shook my head. I had a job to to.

I walked over to them hurriedly and put a nervous look on my face. Jordan looked at me questionably and followed after me.

"Blake, I think I saw someone from the Obscuro Luna Pack. He looked pissed." I told him quickly. Jordan and Blake snarled.

"Have you seen Mayne?" Blake asked.

I hesitated for a split second, then said, "No. I thought she was with you guys." I got nervous that Blake would see through my lie, but he didn't. Jordan eyed me, though.

"No the girls said she went to the bathroom." Blake said, and he blew out a breath. He looked hopeful. Too bad I was going to have to spoil it.

"The bathroom? Is it the one closest to The Wet Water Splash?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Ems and Dina nodded and I said, "That's where he went."

I heard Ems, Blake, and Jordan shout out for Mayne to run through the mind link and quickly joined in. Jordan eyed me again, but then Blake took off and I followed after him.

Mayne's POV
I stumbled away from my attacker and put my hand to my head. I pulled it away and my hand was smeared with blood.

I watched as my attacker advanced on me and I unsheathed Lupus and put myself in a defensive position. The man didn't look intimidated, and continued his slow advance. I looked around the large bathroom for anything I could use as a weapon. Then I had an idea. I smiled at the man and sheathed Lupus. The man stopped his advance and looked at me quizzically. Then I snarled and phased.

The man tried to back away but I pinned him down with my large paws. He started to phase so I growled loudly at him. He whined and looked over to the door, which burst open. I rumbled in laughter and looked over at the people piling in the bathroom. I expected to see my friends, but what I saw was worse. At least half of the Obscuro Luna Pack had entered the bathroom and were quickly advancing at me.

I quickly clawed the man I pinned and backed away. I wish I had Cruor, I thought. I summoned up my vampire and my fangs lengthened and became sharper and I growled loudly, bending down low to attack.

The injured one had gotten back up and looked a little dazed. I took my chance and attacked him. I clawed his healing wound again and tore out his throat. There was a gurgling noise and I released the man from my mouth. His blood covered my mouth and it tasted wonderful.

I started licking my mouth and teeth, not realized my mistake. I felt the first blow on my neck. I whined and tried to back away from them, but they had surrounded me. The next couple of minutes were the worst in my entire life. The pack had knocked me on the ground, and were kicking and punching me. I whined and someone phased and latched onto me and tore a large chunk of my leg out. I howled in pain, and my vision started blurring.

I knew that my friends had made it to the bathroom, but the pack was gone. I didn't know how long I had been laying there on the bathroom floor. Jordan and Dina rushed over to me and started talking to me. I couldn't comprehend what they were saying, but I just stared at Zac.

Emily, Blake, and Zac were on the far wall, looking like they wanted to come over to me, but there was too much blood. I looked at Zac and saw all the guilt in his eyes. I growled at Zac, and said, "You did this to me." He got a look of fear on his face, but it seemed that no one realized that I was talking to Zac.

Before they had attacked me I had used The Sense, and knew what had happened. They were after revenge for taking Dina, and they were after me. There would be war, and Zac had aided in my attack. I managed to form one last word before everything turned black.

Blake's POV
"Traitor." Mayne croaked out before she blacked out. I looked around the room furiously, looking for who she called a traitor. Everyone had a stunned expression on their face, but Mayne had obviously been talking about someone here.

"Everyone back away from Mayne. She called one of us a traitor, so until we figure out who that is, no one will be going near her. No one." I barked out and everyone obeyed. I walked over to her and carefully lifted her into my arms. Her black fur was matted with blood, and she was fading quickly. I ran out the bathroom and through the crowds of people. In less than a minute I made it back to the clan house.

I was panting hard, never having pushed myself like that. I carried Mayne to the clan doctor and placed her on the metal table gently.

"Fix her." I pleaded. Alison got over her shock and ran over to Mayne and immediately assessed her wounds. The doctor ran over to a fridge and pulled out some blood. I sniffed the air, and scowled. Animus Lupus blood had a bad smell to it, but Mayne had a sweet smell, because of her vampire blood and because she was my Cruor Vinculum.

"If she doesn't get Zac's blood in her she will die. Since she has two bloods, she needs both or the other would override her system and kill her. Zac is the only vampire in the house that shares her blood type." Alison said, preparing the IVs. I snarled at the thought of Mayne having someone else's blood in her system that wasn't mine.

"Get Zac!" Alison yelled at me. I grumbled and looked over at Mayne. I could feel her life fading away and I ran and dragged Zac to her.

I shoved him at Alison, who stuck a needle into his skin and drew blood. Zac stood still in shock, and when Alison finished and started running around the room, Zac looked over at me in confusion.

"Sorry man. You're the only one with Mayne's blood type in the house, so we can save her." I explained, hoping my friend would forgive me. Zac looked a little pale and he was staring at Mayne.

"Zac, you okay dude?" I asked, genuinely concerned something was wrong.

"No. It's just, well do you know why Mayne said traitor?"

"I believe she was saying that one of us in the bathroom was a traitor. That one of us in the bathroom helped with Mayne's attack." I said angrily.

Zac started fidgeting and wouldn't look at me or Mayne. I furrowed my brows at his reactions, and asked, "Are you sure nothing is wrong?"

"It's just all the blood," Zac stuttered out, "I'm gonna go." Zac walked out the door. He confused me and I was about to go after him when Alison spoke.

"I gave her the Animus Lupus and vampire blood. She should wake up in a couple of days. Her wounds were worse than I thought so I had to put her on heavy medication so she wouldn't be in pain when she wakes up. Don't make her phase though, otherwise she won't heal correctly." Alison told me in her doctor fashion.

I nodded and sat in the chair next to the table Mayne laid on.

"Leave us. Put guards outside the door at all times. No one comes in unless I give the word." I ordered and Alison left.

"Mayne. Please be okay." I whispered, rubbing the top of her head. My hand came away with dried blood on it and I shook with anger. I went over to the supply closet and grabbed a cloth and bucket, and started filling it with water.

When the bucket was filled, I walked back over to Mayne and dipped the cloth in the water. I scrubbed her fur, being careful of her bandaged wounds. I continued to clean Mayne off until she was cleaned of all blood. I bent down and placed my forehead against her neck and breathed in her amazing scent. She smelled of roses and cinnamon and I felt almost content.

"Mayne, please don't leave me," I told her, my face still placed against her neck so my voice was muffled.

"I love you, Mayne."

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