Chapter Twenty-Six

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When we made it back to the house, everything was chaotic. My pack was anxious with so many vampires and Animus Lupus around, and the clan was getting anxious as well. Everyone was gathered in the living room, waiting for me to speak. I didn't know why they looked to me, but I stood tall and put on a look of confidence.

"Obscuro Luna pack members," I started out, "Today our pack lost family. I know that I don't know any of you, but I will do my best to protect and love you as I do my family." The pack looked stunned at how nice I was with them, even though we were in battle just minutes ago. I looked each pack member in the eyes and smiled.

"I realize that the Alphas are always males and that there is also a Luna, but I only have this bloodsucker right here, and he's not an Animus Lupus." I joked. The packs and clan laughed while Blake glared at me. After the laughter died down, I continued.

"Now. I have some changes to announce. One. As boring as it may be, all of you are going to school. College is your option, but you will go through High School." My pack groaned loudly, but I growled lowly and they silenced.

"Two. I plan on changing our pack name. It resembles the evil that overpowered you before. Three. No harming anyone unless we are in battle or you have been challenged. If anyone doesn't agree to these rules speak now. I don't want violence in our pack anymore. If anyone still holds obedience to Devin Lave, leave now and become a rogue." I finished, looking everyone in the eye, searching for challenge.

I growled lowly as one dared to hold my stare, and the girl averted her eyes immediately. I nodded my head and dismissed my pack to find temporary rooms. Sighing, I headed up to Blake's office, knowing that my friends and family would follow. Walking into the office, I plopped down onto Blake's big, spinny chair, turning the chair side to side.

Blake, my dad, Ems, Zac and Dina entered the room, pulling chairs up in front of Blake's large desk. Blake walked around his desk and propped his elbows onto the top of the chair. I slumped further into the chair, but started talking despite my exhaustion. I glanced at Dina, who hasn't said a word since the battle, and felt terribly guilty.

"First of all, what am I going to do with my pack? Especially since a few of them have to go to school with my new rule, and they have to live near me." I asked my dad. He sighed and rested his chin in his hands.

"Well we do own a pack house. It's never used so you and your pack may have it." He told me. I nodded, being content that they will have a permanent home.

"Second of all. Zac. He can't get away with helping Devin and Ms. Borne," Ems got a horrified look on her faced so I quickly added, "But nothing too harsh. I believe we can forgive him as long as he's on good behavior. Agreed?" They announced their agreement in hushed murmurs. Zac sighed in relief, but I glared at him. He quickly sat up straight and averted his eyes.

"Thirdly. We need to find Ms. Borne." I said. Blake muttered something that I wouldn't ever repeat, and then I remembered how she bit him. I started growling, but Blake's voice made me stop.

Regina, Luna. I am okay. She wasn't a rogue when I was bitten so the wound is fine and healed. Blake sent me a mental picture of his side, and my body relaxed once again.

"Don't worry. We'll send out some search teams for a while to find her. When we do, she will be taken care of by the Animus Lupus laws." Ems spoke up sternly. I smiled at her brilliant idea and nodded happily that things would be going good.

"Lastly," I said this avoiding looking at Dina, "We will need to hold a funeral for Devin Lave, and all the deceased. No matter how bad Devin was, everyone deserves a good funeral." They nodded silently, but Dina didn't move. The guilt rose up again. I started to stand up to dismiss them, but Dina stopped me. I looked over to her in surprise that she spoke.

"You forgot something, Mayne." She whispered. I cocked my head at her and furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What's your pack's name going to be?" She asked. My eyebrows rose in amusement and I smiled, already having the perfect name for the pack chosen.


Dina thought about that for a moment, and then I saw a knowing look on her face and knew she understood.

"Beginning." She translated. I smiled and nodded. Just as we were about to leave, Ivan walked in the door.

Why is it almost every single time I try to go anywhere, I'm always stopped, I thought incredulously. Blake chuckled at my thoughts and I groaned, remembering that we could hear each others thoughts know.

"Yes, Ivan?" I asked, starting to get bored, but what I heard next perked me right up and plastered a devilish grin on my face.

"I noticed a training room. When can we get in there?" Ivan asked, trying to mask his eagerness, but as his Alpha and Luna, I could easily sense his emotions.

"I think we are going to get along greatly my dear Beta." I told him, heading for the training room now to whoop some pack butt. I needed to vent over still having a vengeful rogue Alpha on the loose, and having a rogue ex mate probably not doing so great either. And both had the potential to kill Blake.

Oh man, I thought, My life is going to get more interesting.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story, but don't fret, there will be a second book. And a third, depending on book two. So have a wonderful morning, afternoon, and night my extravagant Js!

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