Chapter Eight

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Dina and I watched as Jordan was successfully trying to change his schedule to match mine. I growled a little because doing this involved flirting with the head counselor.

"So this is the new guy, huh?" Dina asked, while checking him out in his light blue jeans, and tight-fitting grey t-shirt. I nodded. Inspecting Dina, I could see she thought he was good looking. I heard the head counselor laugh, and I outright growled.

"Yeah. This is the new guy. Now stop staring at him." I said gruffly to Dina. She looked at me with wide eyes, but I was focused on Jordan. If that counselor laughs again, I was going to kick her butt into next year.  Instead, she grinned at Jordan and began typing away at her computer and winked at him. I growled again, louder this time, and she looked me in the eyes, but quickly looked back to her computer.

She finished retyping Jordan's schedule, and handed it to him, careful not to touch or look at him. Jordan walked back to us and told me, "Bad Luna." Jordan shook his head and chuckled.

"Don't do that again." I threatened. He nodded.

"Um.... am I missing something here?" Dina asked. I was about to respond, but Jordan beat me to it.

"Yeah. Mayne and I are dating." Jordan said coolly. I blushed, and Dina looked like she was about to yell at me. Luckily the warning bell rang. I smiled and took Jordan's hand, and dragged him to English. Since I had my things with me, I took Jordan straight to class, and made it through the door just as the bells rang. Mrs. Huron looked at me and Jordan before addressing us.

"So who is this?" Mrs. Huron asked. Jordan let go of my hand, and stepped forward to shake her hand. I walked to my seat, wishing that the seat next to me was empty, and watched the exchange.

"Jordan Lupus. I just moved here from Lemoore, California. My parents have work here." Jordan explained. Wow, I thought, My English teacher knows more about my mate than I do.
Jordan glanced at me and smiled. He heard me. Crap.

Don't worry my Luna, Jordan said in my mind, We will get to know each other after you phase later. I nodded slightly.

"So where do I sit?" Jordan asked. I stared at Mrs. Huron, pleading with my eyes. She looked at me and pointed to the seat behind me. I smiled gratefully. Jordan walked down the aisle, brushing my arm on the way to his seat. I shivered at his touch.

"Today, class, we will finish the poems to speak in front of the class. Begin." Mrs. Huron told us. I already had a poem written out, but then I turned to Jordan, and changed my mind. I grabbed a new sheet of paper and wrote. By the time class was over, I revised my poem thirty times, before I made it perfect.

I didn't allow Jordan to speak to me in person, but in my mind. I led him to our lockers, as we chatted mentally. We continued like this until History, where we were watching a movie again, and had to take notes.

I completed the required twenty facts, and drew. At first I was just doodling, but then I started to draw Jordan in his wolf form. I had completed the sketch of him by the time class ended, and was proud of my work. I think I'll draw you as a wolf in art later, I thought to Jordan. He stood behind me and chuckled.

We went to our lockers and dropped our bags off. After we had, Jordan grabbed my hand and led me to the smell of food. I pulled out our lunch cards from my back pocket, and waited while Jordan got us both a turkey club with fries. I swiped our cards and led Jordan to our table.

Kenzie was talking with other students again, but shooed them away as soon as she saw me with Jordan. Kenzie bared her neck to us.

"Really? You too?" I asked. I was starting to think that everyone was a spirit wolf now. Kenzie nodded her head. Jordan laughed.

"What's going on?" Dina asked. Jordan, Kenzie, and I all said, "Nothing," at the same time. Dina looked like she was getting suspicious, so I laughed it off. She shook her head and said, "I'm coming over later." I nodded excitedly. We haven't hung out in a while.

"So spill. What happened yesterday that made you and Jordan over here..." Dina crossed her fingers, indicated towards me and Jordan. I rolled my eyes.

"Jordan stopped me on my run home to ask me to go on a walk with him and," I paused for a split second and glanced at Jordan, who was watching me intently. I continued, "It was really more of a run, but he took me to a willow and we climbed it. We started talking. Then I fell out of the tree, but Jordan caught me. More things happened after that, but you'll just think it's boring. You can tell what happened in the end." I finished and Jordan was staring at me with so much love, that if he wasn't my mate, I would have been seriously creeped.

Speciosus, Jordan whispered to me mentally. I blushed. Then Jordan leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, so we wouldn't get in trouble.
Dina was gagging, and I laughed. I was having fun with my mate and best friend.

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