Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Well, well, well. You finally made it. I was beginning to think that you didn't care about this one." Devin Lave said as we entered the field. The Obscuro Luna pack were as their wolves, surrounding the willow. My bus driver was at Devin's side, scowling at me and Dina hatefully.

I cocked my head at her, wondering what made her look at me like this.

"Alpha, may I speak?" She asked, neck bared and eyes to the ground.

"You may, Luna." Devin responded casually. My eyes widened and I gasped. I heard Dina whimper behind me, and my gasp quickly turned into a feral growl. I started forward angrily, but Blake pulled me back. I struggled for a moment before Blake mind linked me.

My Regina, my Luna, my mate, calm yourself please. Blake whispered in my mind. I took a deep breath and steeped away, snarling at the woman.

"You kids are always so ungrateful to me. Never a thank you for the ride, or a compliment. All I ever get from you wretched children is ignorance!" Ms. Borne ranted, "Now I think is the perfect time to get you back. Don't you agree my Alpha?" Devin nodded and made a gesture with his hand that brought Zac to his front, and on his knees. He kicked Zac to his stomach, and just as Devin was about to kill him, Emily zoomed over to them and punched Devin as hard as she could.

While Devin was still stunned,  she picked Zac up and zoomed back to our group. The Obscuro Luna pack snarled viciously, and tensed, waiting for their Alpha's command.

"Attack!" Devin roared. The whole pack lunged at us, and just as I was mid-phase I duly noted a Beta crouched behind the willow, away from the battle. I brushed the thought off my mind, and focused on the battle.

I clawed and bit at everything that didn't smell like my pack and clan. In times when I was surrounded and the space was too small to fight as my wolf, I phased into my human and slashed at them with Cruor and Lupus until they backed off. My goal was to get to Devin, but that didn't mean I had to kill everyone in my path.

After maiming three more wolves with my claws, I finally made it to Devin, who was shaking with rage that I had made it to him. He growled at me and phased. His wolf looked vicious and feral. Like a rabid dog needing to be put down. Devin saw my challenge and crouched low to the ground, readying to pounce. I did the same, and watched his eyes.

I saw them flicker for a split second and pounced at the same moment he did. We crashed together in frenzy. I was able to bite his muzzle, but Devin grazed my neck with his teeth deep enough to make the blood flow. I growled at him, but internally winced at the pain. Don't worry, I thought to myself, You're a hybrid. You'll heal faster.

I grunted, and started circling Devin. He kept his cold eyes on me, but as I approached the area he couldn't see, he realized too late that he made a mistake. I lunged for his hind legs and bit down on the left one until I heard bone snap, the other I clawed deeply. I jumped back before he could turn his head and bite my neck. I circled back to his front, and watched as he struggled to stay up.

Tensing for the move that would stop him from killing an innocent ever again, I felt a pang of pain radiating through my body. I fell over as I desperately searched the field for Blake. When I finally found him, his side was bleeding badly and a wolf towered over him. I whined and Blake looked over to me. His eyes widened and he started yelling. Everything else happened in slow motion from then. I turned my head and saw Devin launching himself at me.

I closed my eyes and sent out all of my love to Blake through our bond. In the next second, I felt blood splatter down my neck. It wasn't really painful at all, having my throat tore out, and then I realized that I was still breathing. I opened my eyes to see a tall, dark brown wolf pinning Devin down. There were scratch marks on Devin's side, so I figured that's where the blood on my neck came from.

Then I remembered that this was the Beta behind the willow.

"Why did you attack your Alpha? You're his Beta." I demanded, speaking through my wolf. In response, the Beta snarled viciously at Devin and I understood that he didn't like his Alpha. I grunted at him to move and towered over Devin.

"I, Mayne Luna, hereby deprive you, Devin Lave, of the right to being an Alpha. In doing this, I will end your life and take over your pack. Do you understand?" I recited the Code of De-Alphaization back to Devin. Devin's response was to growl angrily at me and snap at my neck.

I let my canines lengthen and sharpen, and then I leaned down and quickly tore out Devin's throat. For a split second, I relished in the taste of Devin's blood, but quickly got out of the trance the blood put me in. I looked up and howled at the moon, completing the De-Alphaization. The battle around me stopped. The Obscuro Luna pack looked at their dead Alpha and back to me.

In weird harmony, the Obscuro Luna pack dropped their heads in submission to their new Alpha. On instinct, I growled and my new pack howled. Phasing, I turned around to the Beta, who quickly phased when he realized that he was going to talk.

"Thanks for saving my life," I said gratefully, "Now tell me who you are and why you helped your old Alpha be killed." The Beta blinked in surprise at my gratefulness, but I looked him in the eyes to show him I wasn't messing around. The Beta lowered his eyes quickly and started speaking.

"My name is Ivan. I was Devin's Beta, and he was a terrible Alpha. The Luna was worse. They always ordered us around, and when we were forced to help kill our own kind, we had no choice but to obey. I took my chance as soon as Devin told me his plans. I was to kill anyone that came near him, but I didn't and waited for my chance to strike. The rest, well you can figure that out yourself I would hope, Alpha." The last sentence Ivan said with a sly grin.

"I'm liking you already Ivan." I told him with a smile. I turned back to the pack and clan and told Blake to get his vampire butt over here through the bond. He quickly did as he was told, and stood next to me proudly. I scanned over my clan and fathers pack, doing a head count. I sighed in relief when I saw no one had died.

Then I turned to my new pack, and my face fell. I quickly noticed that there was less pack here than before the battle. I growled quietly and ordered Ivan to do a head count. He set off to count the left over pack members, and I turned to Blake.

"Where's Ms. Borne?" I asked.

"We were fighting and she was the first to see him go down. Ms. Borne fled as soon as it happened. She's rogue." Blake said worriedly. I sucked in a deep breath. Rogues could kill immortals. Blake heard my thoughts and caressed my cheek.

"It's going to be okay. We'll find her." Blake whispered. I nodded and turned to Ivan, who had returned from the head count.

"We haven't lost too many pack. It's still a great loss to us, but our numbers have shrunk." Ivan said sadly. I growled slightly at this.

"Pack! Follow me! We are heading back to the Soar Clan home!" I shouted to the crowd. The pack grunted an agreement and followed me and Blake to the house.

"What are we going to do with the pack?" Blake asked nervously.

"We're going to change them." I said simply.

"Is that going to be easy?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I'll do everything in my power to change them for the better."

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