Chapter Eighteen

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Our swords clanged and sparks flew each time our swords struck one another. I smacked his sword out of his hand and placed the tip of my sword over his heart.

"Okay. You win. Again." Jordan panted out. I had been sparring Jordan for two hours now, and he lost every time.

"Maybe you should go back to training with Ems. I'm sure she can teach you another lesson." I told him and left the training room.

It has been a month since Jordan and Dina have come to the clan house, and I was growing closer with Blake, and going into a neutral area with Jordan. I made my way up the cool, marble stairs and into Blake's office. He was on the phone with someone and I tuned my ears to listen in.

They were discussing plans for Blake's choosing ceremony, which was happening in two weeks, and I went to the built in library and ran my fingers over the rough, hard cover binds. When Blake hung up the phone, I ran over to him with my hybrid speed and sat on his lap.

"So what're the plans for the big day?" I asked.

"Well there is going to be a dinner, the actual ceremony, and the amazing after party." He said, spinning his chair in a circle. I laughed and kissed his nose. Blake growled low in his chest and tried to kiss me, but I zoomed away from him.

"Oh the joy of having super speed." I said teasingly. In a split second, Blake pinned me to the wall and groaned.

"I wish I didn't make you take those lessons. Now you've beaten every record we have in less than a month." Blake told me, his voice husky.

I laughed and flipped us so that I was pinning him to the wall. I leaned in close, and when Blake started to lean into me as well, I zoomed to his chair.

"Oh man, I just love to tease you." I laughed.

"And I, you, Love." He replied.

It was very difficult to be around Blake like this when Jordan was my mate. Jordan lied to me though, so he deserves this. I said this to myself everyday, Jordan deserves this, but it was getting harder and harder to resist him with each passing moment. My vampire and wolf yearned for both of them to mark me, but I knew that only one could. I sighed.

"I wish it were only me. That may be selfish but I don't care, Mayne. I am going to get your mind off of me. You, Dina, Jordan, Zac, and Ems are going to a carnival today. I, of course, will be there to protect you, but in the background. Just keep his hands off of you. Please." Blake told me.

I grinned happily and kissed his cheek. I zoomed over to Dina and told her the news. Then to Jordan.

"Really? You want me to go?" Jordan asked. I sighed at his skepticism and shook my head.

"Yes I want you to go. Even though I avoid you as much as possible, it doesn't mean I hate you. Jordan you are my mate, I could never hate you if I tried." I said softly. I looked into his stormy eyes, and I hugged him for the first time in weeks.

Jordan froze but hugged me back once the shock went away.

"I missed you Mayne." Jordan whispered.

"And I missed you fur ball," I whispered back, "Try anything ,though, and we go to the vet to get you neutered. I don't care if you're my mate or not, I will do it." I told him, ready to pull through with the threat of need be.

Jordan pulled back and looked at my face. When he realized that I wasn't messing around, he full out ran to his room. I laughed and zoomed back to my room to get ready for the carnival. I went straight to my favorite black leather jacket and boots, and my blue tank and jeans.

When I was all dressed up, and a little makeup was on, I put Lupus in my built in the sheathe in my right boot. You never know what could happen, I thought. I zoomed to Dina's room, which was right next to mine, and asked if she was ready.

"Yep. Lets go!" She said excitedly. I grinned and zoomed up to her.

"Zoom zoom." I said and picked her up, and zoomed down the marble staircase. Dina and I had a joke that no one else got, and it was fun to have another thing just between the two of us.

Jordan, Ems, Zac, and Blake were chatting in front of the door. Blake and Jordan had tried avoiding each other at every possible moment for the first week, but then they eventually warmed up.

Jordan and Blake stopped talking to Zac and Ems and stared at me. I blushed and set Dina down, and walked over to Ems and Zac. I hugged them both and flashed smiles at Blake and Jordan. I yearned to go over to both of them and kiss them, but that would never happen. Ever.

"Ready everyone?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the carnival, but I'll stay in the background a bit. Everyone you have to have at least one other person with you at all times. Okay? Good. Let's go." Blake said, and zoomed out the door.

Jordan phased and Dina climbed onto his back and we all took off after Blake. In twenty minutes we heard the sound of people and rides. Blake stopped half a mile away from the festivities and turned to us.

"Jordan phase," Blake ordered. Jordan growled lowly, but obeyed his orders. Dina walked over to me, and pushed me playfully. I smiled and shook my head at her.

"Don't tell me what to do, blood sucker." Jordan said jokingly. Zac, Ems, and Blake scowled at Jordan for the name, and he shifted nervously on his feet.

"Anyway," Blake continued, eyeing Jordan, "No complaining, although the groups should be fine. Zac and Jordan, you two will be together at all times. Ems, Dina, and Mayne, you three will be together. Girls and boys separate. Any objections? No? Good. Now let's have some fun!" Blake didn't pause for our responses, but Jordan looked like he wanted to argue so I understood why Blake gave us our answers.

We bought all day wrist bands, and split off into our groups. Blake followed behind us at a respective distance, but close enough that he could see us. I could feel Blake staring at me, and I noticed Jordan trying to get through my block I put up. I let him try, knowing he wouldn't get around it.

"Let's go on The Fling!" Dina said excitedly. I laughed and we walked to the roller coaster that was famous for flinging people everywhere during the ride.

The lines were long but Ems managed to get us to the front of the line every time. We finally got onto The Wet Water Wash, which is my favorite despite the name. We had to sit on washing machinelike boats and go down a spiraling slide with water making us spin and tilt. At the end of the ride we were all drenched.

"Why in the world do you love that ride? I think it gave me bruises from how much it swung me around." Ems said, rubbing her side.

I laughed and looked around for Blake. I saw him getting on The Wet Water Wash with a nervous look on his face and laughed.

"Looks like Blake is finally getting on a ride. I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you back here." I told Dina and Ems, who nodded and started talking about Zac. I shook my head at them and went to the bathroom. I was so relieved when there wasn't a line, or anybody actually, in the bathroom.

After I did my business, I started washing my hands. Suddenly, I heard four voices in my head shouting, Mayne, run! I flinched at the noise and felt a hand close around my neck.

"Shouldn't have left you friends." A voice snarled in my ear. Then my head got slammed into the sink.

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