Chapter Fourteen

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They locked me in a freaking room with windows, I thought, Idiots. I grabbed the lamp in the corner of the room and smashed the farthest window from the door out. I put a sly grin on my face as I jumped out the window, phasing in mid-air. I landed on the ground, and took off towards the edge of the woods.

I could sense that their territory ended in fifteen miles. I could run that distance in two minutes, I thought, feeling a bit smug. I realized that no one was going after me. I stopped and did what I was now calling Partibus Voluntas, or The Sense. After the emotions washed over me, I realized that no one was chasing me because Blake was hiding in the shadows in the tree line ten feet away.

I spotted him easily and snarled at myself for thinking that escaping would be this easy. I stared into Blake's violet eyes, and trotted past the tree line, and into the woods. Blake was suddenly at my side. I growled at him, and ran as fast as I could. No matter how fast I went, though, Blake was right at my side the whole time.

I stopped running and panted. Eight more miles until I left their territory. Glancing at Blake, I noticed that he didn't even break a sweat. I wasn't going to escape. That doesn't mean I won't fight, I thought.

I pounced on Blake, pinning him to the ground. I snarled at him.

"Let me leave." I demanded, letting my power seep through my words. Blake scrunched up his face in pain, and started shaking. I whined a little, and Blake took the chance to wrap his arms around as much of my wolf as he could, and flipped us around.

I phased back to my human so I wouldn't get hurt during our switch.

"I think you're staying right here." Blake told me. I groaned. I was so not escaping. I put my hands on his shirt and gripped it. I pulled him close, our lips barely touching. His breathing sped up, and he tried to kiss me, but I quickly threw him, combining my wolf strength and my vampire strength.

I chuckled and ran, not even trying to phase. In the matter of seconds, I was about to pass the territory line. I howled in victory and ran faster, not daring to stop again. A few feet, I thought, then I was tackled to the ground. I whined in pain, and Blake took me in his arms, carrying me back to the house. In a couple seconds we were back. He could have stopped me right away, I thought. That's how fast he was.

I whined again. My side felt like it was on fire. Blake's muscles were tense, and I remembered a little fact about vampires. They drink blood. I paled when we went through the den. There were thirty vampires in here, and all of them were staring at my side. It must be bad, I thought.

Blake snarled at everyone, but it was no use, they wouldn't stop staring. He took off at a run, and we landed in what I thought was Blake's room. I turned my body a bit, trying to look around, and I let out a painful yelp. Blake set me on his bed and ran to the bathroom. When he was gone, I pulled my shirt up, and inspected my wound. I was bleeding heavily, and there was a sharp rock in the wound.

Blake was suddenly at my side with a first aid kit in hand. He knelt down and poured some alcohol on the wound. Blake handed me a rag, and I stuffed it in my mouth. He looked at me, and I nodded for him to get it over with. Blake grabbed the rock and pulled it out with no warning.

I screamed, and the rag barely muffled the sound. Blake quickly bandaged me, and I groaned in pain when he lifted me to get it all the way around. When he was satisfied with his work, he set his eyes on mine and glared. My eyes widened in disbelief. Was he actually angry at me, I thought angrily.

"Listen here, vampire, you cannot give me that look," I shouted at him, "This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't kidnapped me! I would be with my family right now!"

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