Chapter One

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I ran.

"You missed the bus Mayne!" My dad, Marke Luna, shouted. I pounded down the stairs, grabbing a piece of toast that was laid on the counter.

"I know Dad!" I shouted at him from the kitchen. I grabbed my bag that was on the island in the middle of the kitchen, and rushed into the living room, or the den as my dad calls it. I gave him a hug, as he kissed the top of my jet black hair.

"You want a ride to school?" He asked, "Don't want to be late on your first day back do you?" I shook my head and said, "No, I'm good Dad." I slipped on my shoes and ran out the door, his chuckle echoing through my head. His laughs are so hearty and loud, but joyful. He knew I could run a mile and not break a sweat.

It took me 3 minutes to get my school, which was 10 blocks away. I slowed to a walk as I approached the building.

I merged with my best, and only, friend Dina Lave and her friends. The gaggle of girls barely acknowledged me. The girls were too busy gossiping about this new kid that moved in the street next to mine, that wouldn't start going to Minka High until Thursday, which was in two days.

Dina, on the other hand, took notice immediately and pulled me away from the group.

"So?" Dina asked, "Did you ask yet?" I rolled my eyes at her insistence.


"And your dad said what?" Dina inquired.

I sighed and did the best imitation of my dad as I could and said,"No Mayne. You may not go to Dina's house for the weekend. You know my rules. Do not question me. You can go next weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts about it."

Dina groaned with a smirk. My dad sometimes wouldn't let me go out during a certain time of month and this was it. I did what he asked and never questioned him. He never wanted me out during this time because it was during this time when my mom was killed.

"And no. I will not sneak out." I said knowing she would tell me to. She laughed at my instincts.

"You know me too well." she said, smiling still. I grinned and we walked into the crowd, shoulder to shoulder.
We strolled through the ninth grade halls, and into the tenth grade halls. Looking at the faces of people as we passed, I could see that nothing has changed since last year.

I sighed when I heard the laugh that came from behind us, and turned around. Gwen, one of the top hyenas, walked purposely towards Dina and I. Dina cursed quietly. We had both hoped to avoid Gwen and her posse today.

"Well, well. Look at the two losers. Back for more punishment I see." Gwen said, giving a sickly sweet smile. Dina grabbed my arm to pull me away, but I didn't budge. I never backed down from Gwen. I never backed down from anyone for that matter.

"Hey Gwen!" I shouted animatedly, "I heard that your boyfriend dumped you over the summer. How come?" I know to anyone that sounds mean, but I already knew why so I decided she needed to be called out.

Gwen's face grew red and she basically yelled, "I don't think that that's any of your business!" I nodded and turned around. Knowing that I wasn't about to back down, Dina stayed put. I turned back to Gwen, who had a smirk on her face like she just won.

"Oh wait a second." I said. Gwen's smirk faded and I spoke again shaking my head, "I remember now. Your boyfriend dumped you because he caught you making out with another guy."

Everyone around us froze, making people behind them fall to the floor. Gwen's mouth open and closed like a fish out of water. I looked at her, with my brows raised and Gwen just turned and walked away, her posse following after a second of stunned silence.

Everyone in the hallway started making cheering, and anyone near me clapped me on the back. I was the only one who had the guts to stand up against bullies like Gwen. Dina smiled appreciatively at the applause, and led me to our lockers, which were always next to each other every year. The cheers died down, and returned to the regular high school chatter.

"You have some serious guts my friend." Dina laughed. I laughed with her, because, what the heck, I guess I do have guts. After our laughing died down, we opened our dark blue lockers to grab our books for class. Dina looked over at me and shook her head.

"What?" I asked.

"I just don't understand how you have so much of... well everything, and you're not 'popular' here." she smiled and shook her head again. I shrugged and said, "I do not have everything Dina." I thought about my mom.

I don't have everything, I thought to myself sadly.

I shut my locker with a promise to call Dina after school and went to class.

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