Chapter Twelve

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I froze. This pack that just attacked my mate and my friend-killed my mom. I growled furiously and started to phase.

"Stop!" My dad bellowed, with a tremendous amount of power in his words. I obeyed, having no choice but to listen, and bared my neck. My Alpha nodded his head to me, allowing me to put my neck in a normal position.

"What pack is this, and who is in it?" I questioned angrily.

"It's the Obscuro Luna Pack. They are a rogue pack, that believes that Animus Lupus do not belong in our world-" My dad paused and glanced toward Dina, "And this pack contains two Alphas, a Beta, and four four Omegas. The Omegas are weak, so their names do not matter. The Beta we know nothing about. The two Alphas, however, we know. The female is your bus driver, Cathryn Borne, and the male Alpha is Dina's father, Devin Lave."

Dina gasped, and I paled.

"W-what? No. That can't be true," Dina stuttered out, "M-my dad's just a
r-realtor." Even as Dina was saying that I noticed the doubt clouding her eyes.
That's when it hit me. My dad lied to me for a very long time about what I am and what really happened to my mom. I growled at my dad, who's face was expressionless.

"My whole life." I accused, "You lied to me for my whole freaking life." Then I released Jordan's hand, and ran out the door that the packs left open. When I reached my walkway I phased and ran into the woods on my left.

My dad didn't even bother to make me stop, he just let me go. I heard Jordan growl, and I knew that he had phased to come after me. I ran to the willow. To where I felt safe. When I reached the willow, I phased and sat against the trunk. Jordan came into the meadow around the willow and phased, jogging the rest of the way to me. When Jordan reached me, he picked me up and placed me in his lap, holding me close to his chest.

I buried my head into his shirt, and breathed in his earthy scent. Some calm washed over me as my mate held me, but not enough to drown my other emotions. We sat this way for a while, watching the sun set behind the tops of old pines. The sky was a mixture of yellow, orange, red, and a little purple, and hawks circled in the distance.

I finally looked to Jordan after the sun had set, and his grey eyes looked like a brewing storm in the darkness. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled.

"We're okay." Jordan told me. I was happy that he said that we were okay, and not that it's going to be okay. We didn't know what was going to happen in the future, but we would always be okay.

"We are." I smiled at him softly, and kissed him on his cheek. Jordan rumbled.

Are you purring when you make that noise, I asked.

I don't purr, Jordan said, I rumble. I laughed so hard that tears started forming in my eyes. Jordan chuckled at me and buried his face in my neck. My breath caught, and I stopped laughing. Jordan noticed this, and his heart beat a little faster. He kissed the spot where my shoulder and neck met, and I moaned. Jordan rumbled a little, and piled back before anything happened.

"We need to talk more about our connection." Jordan told me, his voice husky. I nodded.

"What is our mind thingy called, because I am getting tired of calling is mental communication, and telepathy doesn't sound right." I inquired, genuinely wanting to know.

"It's called the vinculum." Jordan said, telling me that our mind connection thingy was actually called the vinculum, or bond, in Latin.

"Okay. Is there more to the vinculum, or is the mental connection it?" I asked.

"No. There's more to the vinculum. Spirit Wolves actually have a ceremony to make mates completely true to each other." Jordan said cautiously, watching my reaction. I thought about what Jordan said, and how he said it. Then it dawned on me, and I paled.

"You mean we h-have to have-" Jordan cut me off.

"No we don't have to mate," Jordan told me, "On the next new moon, we must climb the tallest natural feature in the females territory and howl together. Then we have to exchange vows to one another, and spend a week in the males territory as our wolves." I nodded. That wasn't that bad, but Jordan had to continue.

"After our week as our wolves, we have to mark each other by biting each other's necks." That's when I panicked. I had to have Jordan's blood in my system. That means that I would have to drink his blood.

My mind shuddered at the thought of drinking blood, but my canines lengthened and my heart went on overdrive. I stared at Jordan neck, longing for my mates blood. He shook his head at me, but his eyes were drifting to my neck as well.

"How well can you feel my emotions?" I asked after my eyes drifted slowly back to Jordan's grey eyes.

"I can feel every emotion you have, and I can hear every thought as well. You can do the same to me, but I put up a wall that blocks me from entering your mind, and you from entering mine." Jordan explained, his voice rough. "I put up the wall to give you space." I growled at the mere thought that Jordan didn't know my thoughts and feelings. With any other guy, I would have put a wall up myself, but Jordan was my mate. He deserves to know my feelings, as I deserve to know his.

"Take it down." I practically begged. Jordan nodded, and a few beats later, I felt light a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt all of Jordan's emotions wash over me, but the ones of me held firm. He loved me. Jordan looked a bit dazed at all of my emotions, but his aura burned white.

"Mine." We both growled out to each other. Jordan phased and curled up in front of the willow, leaving space for me to curl up close beside him. I phased and curled up in the space he made for me. Jordan was warm and comforting, and I never wanted this moment to end. He placed his head on my neck, and I snuggled closer to him.

I love you, Jordan, I whispered through our bond. Jordan rumbled and I heard him say, I love you too, my Luna. And with that, I fell asleep with the one and only love of my life.

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