Chapter Fifteen

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Blake had sent a girl from his clan up to my room after our discussion. He had said that he trusts her with me, and that she will be preparing me. Before I could ask what for, he was gone.

I had been pacing the room for a few minutes now, the pain in my side turning into a dull throb. What is this girl going to prepare me for, I thought. I sighed heavily, and then the door burst open, scaring me half to death.

"Sorry!" A girl exclaimed, "Rector Blake sent me to prepare you. Oh wait, you probably don't know Latin. Rector means Leader. Anyway I brought you some clothes that might fit you. After you change, we will head down to the weapon room." The girl rambled on before just staring at me and holding out a set of clothes.

"Thanks-" I realized I had no idea what this girl's name was and I just smiled, hoping that it didn't sound like I was about to continue.

"Emily. My name is Emily, but you can call me Ems." I nodded and grabbed the clothing. Emily turned and left, closing the door behind her. This time I was paying attention, and I noted that Emily had stayed at my door, either making sure I didn't try to run, or ensuring my protection. Probably both. I shrugged and laid the clothing on the bed.

There was a black tank top, dark blue jeans, a black leather jacket, and black boots. That's a lot of black, I thought sarcastically. I looked at the sizes and saw that they would all fit me perfectly. Weird, I thought. I changed clothes and looked at the long mirror attached to the wall.

I looked like a badass. The clothes gave me room to move, surprisingly due to the fact that they were designed to be tight fitting.

I shrugged and opened the door. Emily looked approvingly at the outfit, and grinned.

"We definitely need to buy you more things like that." Emily said smugly. I laughed, and Emily laughed too after a second. Then when we stopped, both of us were grinning like madmen when we made it to the weapon room. A few of the vampires in there looked startled that we were smiling like this in a room full of weapons. A few even took a few steps back.

"First we pick a weapon that suits you, then I train you the basics. I am one of the best fighters in this clan, so you will be getting the best training." Emily said, getting serious, but still keeping a smile on her face.

She led me over to the guns and positioned me in a spot in front of the deadly weapons. I wasn't too keen on shooting a gun, especially since guns are what killed my mother in the end.
Lucky for me, Emily shook her head and moved me in front of the swords. She nodded her head and grabbed one with the blade the length of my forearm, and a hilt the darkest shade of black I have ever seen.

Emily moved me in front of the daggers and throwing stars next, and nodded her head. She grabbed a dagger that was half the size of the sword, and had a golden hilt.

"These are the weapons you will use when you need to fight. The blades are both made of titanium and bronze. The sword's hilt is made of obsidian, but smoothed enough that it won't hurt your hand, but won't slip either, " Emily explained, "The dagger's hilt is made of a mixture of gold and iron, and should be the better weapon for you."
Emily led me to the connected room.

There were mats on the floor with circles on them, and targets on the walls. There were currently a lot of vampires in the training room, and all of them were focused on their tasks at hand. Emily led me to an empty target and instructed me to throw my dagger. I shrugged and held the hilt, holding the dagger as I would a baseball. I threw the dagger, and it bounced off the wall, not even close to the target, and the blade never even made contact with the wall.

"Mayne, retrieve your dagger." Emily commanded. I did as she told and grabbed my dagger. When I returned, Emily showed me how to do it properly.

"Now, first of all, you hold your dagger by the blade when throwing it, not by the hilt. Second, you hold it like a dart, not a baseball, and make sure your grip is firm but gentle. Last, focus on your target, and only that, then throw." Emily instructed me, demonstrating the procedure the whole time. She hit dead center.

I did everything that Emily showed me to do, and this time I hit in the outer circle of the target. Emily appraised me, then made me go again and again, until I was hitting the center with no mistakes.

"Good work," Emily said, "Now time for my favorite. Sword fighting."
Emily led me to an empty mat in the middle of the room and said, "You show me your skill first before I go all out on you. After I will correct everything you have done wrong, and then there will only be mercy when one of us is pinned, sword in a killing position."

I grabbed my new sword off a bench, and studied it. The blade didn't have a scratch on it, and I could see my reflection on the tan surface. The black hilt had twisting and twirling designs in it, and was cool to the touch. I gripped it firmly, but gently, and I immediately loved the weapon.

I stepped into the circle, and put myself in a fighting stance. Emily raised a brow at me, but stepped into the circle as well, putting herself in a stance. Someone shouted begin, and Emily and I began circling each other. I never took my eyes off of her, even when I felt a crowd forming around the circle.
Emily shot forward, and attacked. I pressed in closer to meet her attack, and blocked it.

I pushed her back with my sword, and stalked towards her. Emily just smiled slightly. I stopped my advance on her.
"Well crap. You can read my mind." I stated. Emily grinned manically and nodded. That is a mistake, I thought, knowing she would listen. Emily furrowed her brows, and I slammed the door to my thoughts closed. Emily looked a little stunned when I blocked my thoughts from her and I took my chance.

I advanced on her quickly, feinting to the right. She fell for it, and I twisted my sword so the flat part would smack her legs out from under her on her left. I quickly smacked her sword away and jumped on top of her, pinning her with my knees, and placed my sword over her throat. Emily lay there slack jawed at what I had just done. There was silence. I got off of Emily and glanced around us. There was a large crowd gathered around us, and slowly everyone started clapping.

I shook my head and retrieved Emily's sword, and pulled her up. I gave her her sword back, and shook her hand.
Emily seemed to get a hold on herself and shook my hand back.

"Everyone back to training." She ordered. Everyone filed away to their training again, while Emily looked at me, respect clouding her eyes.

"Not one person has ever beaten me. Everything you did was perfect. I immediately expected you to be an expert with the dagger, but you seem to be a master of the sword." She said. I just shrugged.

"I don't know how I did that, but it felt right." I said. I honestly couldn't explain how I did what I just did, but it felt amazing.

"The third step it to name your weapons." Emily told me. I looked at my dagger and sword. The names popped in my head and I knew they were perfect.

"My dagger will be Lupus because even though it was expected that it would be my greater side, it wasn't. My sword will be Cruor because it will remind me of how I have two different worlds mixed inside me, but they both make something strong." I stated confidently.

"Cruor has been used a lot, but never like that. For your sword, Cruor has a new meaning, so it was never used. Lupus has never been used before either, because, well it means wolf, and we don't like wolves much, so your weapons are unique." Emily said.

"So is there a next step?"

"Yes. We go speak with Rector Blake."

I nodded my head and grabbed my dagger and sword. As we walked out of the weapon room, Emily grabbed me a sheathe for my dagger and my sword. I buckled the sheathe for my dagger around my right leg, inside my boot, and my sword sheathe around my waist. I slid my weapons in, and followed Emily to someone who hasn't let me down yet.

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