Happy New Year - The Boyz

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2020 was coming to an end. A new year was starting and Kevin couldn't wait. Hopefully, this year would be better than the last. Hopefully this year, they would get to see Deobi in person instead of online. Now that there was a Covid-19 vaccine, Kevin was hopeful.

"Kevin," Jacob yelled from the other room. "Come here!" Kevin ran into the room to see chaos. Jacob was on the couch, Sunwoo lay next to him, his face covered in stickers. Q was chasing Eric trying to bite him, and New was lying in the middle of the floor with a box on his head.

"What the heck is going on in here?" Kevin asked. "Why do you ask every time. It's always like this," Jacob responded.

"Cuz y'all are ridiculous."

Jacob motioned next to him and Kevin sat down. "What's on your mind?" Jacob asked.

"Just hoping 2021 will be better."

"It will be. Don't worry."

Kevin nodded and leaned back on the couch, slowly falling asleep.

"Hey Kevin." He woke up to Saknyeon shaking him. "Have you seen my sandwich? I can't find it."

"Just eat something else. Everything is a sandwich."

"No. My mother ordered it for me yesterday because she knew I specifically liked it but I had already eaten so I put it in the fridge with my name on it."

"Oh, the big sandwich in the fridge?" New asked coming into the room. "I ate it. I didn't realize it was yours. I can buy you a new one."

"It's fine," Saknyeon sighed. "We have to get ready for the new years performance. it's tomorrow night."

"I can't wait for new years," Q screeched, running through the room. Everyone rolled their eyes at him but Q was already in the next room and didn't see them.

This year The Boyz were participating in a new years concert and they were getting ready for their performance when Juhaknyeon slipped and twisted his ankle. He tried to stand up but was unable to. "I'm sorry guys," his said tearing up a little. "I hope I can perform with you guys."

Kevin drove Juhaknyeon over to the hospital to get his leg x-rayed. The x-ray came back with the result soon after. His leg was broken. When he got the news he started crying.

"Hey," Kevin tried to calm him. "At least you get to perform, and now your leg is even more of a sandwich." Juhaknyeon chuckled, his mood lifted just a little.

Over the next few days, some changes were made to the choreography and Juhaknyeon rested in the corner of the room. They all checked on him from time to time and he had come to terms with the fact that he had broken his foot and it needed to heal.

His cast, which had originally been white, was colorful with a giant HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 written in the middle and the signature of everyone else all around.

Before they knew it, New Years Eve was a upon them. The event went off without a hitch and at the end was a surprise for Juhaknyeon. The video screen behind them came on and Jacob appeared on the screen. "I know this year has been tough on all of us but we made it through. We all fought our way through the obstacle called Corona and now we are at a new year. Juhaknyeon," he paused in the video, "I know you wanted to give your all to the fans but they love you and we love you and all of us hope you get better soon."

One by one each of them came on screen praising, supporting, and lifting up Juhaknyeon. "You know," Kevin said as a closing to the video. "Without you, we would not be who we are today so rest up and get well and only then start dancing again."

Juhaknyeon looked at the screen, his tears falling freely. "Thank you guys. I love all of you." Turning back to the camera he yelled "I love you Deobi!" The members all gathered around and hugged him. They carried him off the stage and to the dressing room. "Happy new years guys," Eric said. "I hope next year is better."

A/N yes I wrote this one in 2020. Next week's I wrote in 2021, the next in 2022. I didn't write any this year but I hope to have for next year.

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