Magic Island - TXT

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TW// mention of injuries

Beomgyu ran until he was out of breath before looking behind him. His ear twitched as he listened closely for their footsteps. After waiting for twenty minutes, he started walking. He tried to use his sense of smell to find his way but all he smelled was the trees.

He walked around for a few hours, trying to find a way out but he was lost. Eventually, he got so tired that he curled up against a tree and fell asleep. He slept so deeply, he didn't feel the ground start to shake. The piece of the ground he was on slowly sunk into the area as he slept through the entire process.

When he woke up, he didn't realize right away that he was somewhere else. When he did, he stood up and looked around. He felt strangely calm. He saw a sign in the distance and walked towards it. Written on the sign were the words Welcome to Magic Island.

He walked past the sign and came upon a clearing. In the clearing lay a boy with antlers like a deer on his head. One had been broken off but the other remained intact. He sat down as the other boy started to stir.

When he saw Beomgyu, he jumped and backed away. Beomgyu saw the fear in his eyes. "Hey," he called. "What's wrong?" The boy looked at him fearfully. "You won't make fun of me?"

"Why would I?"

"My horns."

"They're beautiful, as are you."

"Thank you. I'm Yeonjun."


The two sat in comfortable silence until someone crash landed into the field. Beomgyu ran over to see if he was okay. He stood up right away so he seemed fine. His beautiful blue butterfly wings fluttered softly in the breeze behind him. "Hi, I'm Kai. Who are you?"

They stared at him like he fell from the sky which he kind of did. "Um, I'm Yeonjun," Yeonjun said.

"And I'm Beomgyu. Nice to meet you Kai."

"What is this place?" Kai asked.

"I don't know. I just got here." Yeonjun answered, "but my guess is it's a place for people like us who are different from the rest of humanity."

"I'm not even fully human," Beomgyu chuckled. "I'm a puppy hybrid."

"You were born like that?" Yeonjun asked, surprised. Beomgyu nodded. "What about you Kai?" he asked.

"I got my wings a few days ago. I'm not so good with flying yet. How about you Yeonjun?"

"I got my horns about a year ago. They grew in one night. I tried to get rid of them which is why this one is broken but it didn't work." He looked down at his lap sadly.

"Well, we are all different here," a new voice said. They all turned around to see a boy with blue hair.

"Hi, I'm Soobin. Welcome to Magic Island." He looked at the three boys in front of him. "Someone's missing," he muttered under his breath.

He led the three boys to a building in the center of the island. When they got to the building, they saw another boy. He was lying on the floor, bleeding and unconscious.

Kai and Beomgyu ran up to him. "He's still alive," Beomgyu said, lifting him up. "Were should I take him?"

"We'll bring him inside. I'll get supplies." Soobin ran off and Yeonjun opened the door. The room they stepped into was painted light purple and had a magical feel to it. Beomgyu placed the boy on the couch in the corner of the room. Soobin soon came back with supplies and treated the wounds.

An hour later, he woke up. "He's awake," Kai yelled, scaring the boy and having the others come running.

"Hi, I'm Kai. What's your name?"

"Taehyun," the boy said. He looked around the room and tried to stand up but fell back down onto the couch. "Right," he said. "They cut off my tall." He looked sad. "Who did?" Beomgyu asked, hiding his own tail in his shirt. "No one," Taehyun shook his head.

"Now that you are all here and conscious," Soobin said, "I will explain why you are all here. As you now know, all of you have physical differences from the rest of humanity, therefore, to protect you, you were sent here to Magic Island. The Island is a place for people like you to live until the time is right. As of right now, you guys are the only ones here." "That sounds fun," Kai laughed and the rest joined in.

"Once again, welcome to Magic Island."

They walked out of the doors and into the field. They started running around and playing with each other. They finally felt free and safe. Soobin smiled to himself. He had done well. He had saved these poor souls, and now he hoped he would have some friends.

A/N I'm so sorry I forgot to post last week. My phone got run over by a car and I needed to get a new one and transfer everything to it and I don't have a laptop currently but I have this weeks chapter and this is one of my favorite stories I've written so far. I based it on TXT's concept. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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