It's My Costume - SHINee

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"You can't be that Key! I was going to do that!""

"Well I got it first Minho so deal with it."

"No," Minho pouted. "I decided last Halloween that I was going to be a grim reaper so you can't be."

"Well I already bought it so you can also be but I'm not changing my costume."

Minho huffed and stormed off and Key just shrugged. Onew had been on the couch watching the entire interaction. He sighed. When these two were together it was nonstop bickering. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. He was used to it by now but that didn't mean he hated it any less.

"Did you have to?" He asked Key.

"What do you mean? I bought the costume first."

"No. Why does everything have to be an argument?"

"He started it!"

"Are you five Key? You're a mature grown up man! You can stop yourself. It takes two people to argue!"

"Whatever," Key said and walked off to his room. Onew sighed again and went to talk to Minho.

"Minho," he knocked softly on the door. "Can I come in?"

He heard a mumble from the other side of the door and took it as an invitation to enter. Minho lay curled up on his bed. He looked up at Onew knowing exactly why he had come. "It's not fair!" He exclaimed. "I had the idea first and he came and took it away just like he always does." Tears came to Minho's eyes. He was so annoyed and upset and he always felt like Key took everything from him.

Onew sat down and started rubbing his back. "Did you already buy your costume?" He asked. Minho nodded. "Then we just need to add more to it so we can make yours better and different than Key's," Onew suggested. Minho's eyes lit up as he ran to get his costume which was an exact replica of Key's.

The two of them sat in Minho's room throughout the night working on the costume and making it better.

Halloween arrived. Onew came out in a white sheet ghost costume. Taemin, who was the youngest of the group, was dressed up as their older member Jonghyun, who had passed away almost four years before. Key walked out into the living room with his red and black grim reaper costume. He held the spear in his hand and stood there proudly until Minho came out of his room.

Minho had the same costume but he had added a tattered black cape, a head piece with horns, and a black veil over his face. His pants had three silver chains and his shoes had white lace covering them. He had done his makeup and had dark red eyeshadow and fake scars as well as fake splattered blood on his face and hands. His costume was on another level. Key looked jealous but there was nothing he could do anymore. The four went out to head to the annual SM Town company Halloween party.

Minho was the center of attention and loving every second of it. He even won the prize for best costume. He had fun mingling with the younger artists that were there. As the night came to a close, Onew sighed with relief that there had not been a confrontation between Key and Minho but the night was not completely over.

"You stole it," he heard Key yell from across the room.

"No you stole my idea so I made mine better," he heard yelled back. Then he heard Taemin yell at the two of them "Can you guys stop fighting for once? First of all, we are in public right now. Second of all, I'm sick and tired of it! You guys are 30 years old! You need to act your age! Onew smiled in appreciation as he walked over to the gathering crowd and took a hold of Minho and Key's arms and dragged them out of the room.

"Key," he said when they were alone. "You need to stop instigating fights with Minho and Minho," he said turning towards him, "you need to stop fighting back. He's trying to make you mad. You need to ignore him." Minho nodded, tears threat to spill. Key just growled "He stole my costume."

"I think you stole his. You knew he was planning his since last Halloween and then you bought the same one. He just fixed his up to make it different from yours. You are 30 years old. You need to grow up!" Key grumbled but nodded his head. "Sorry Minho," he said as he walked out.

The tears that Minho was trying so hard to hold back we're finally released. "He doesn't care," he sobbed. "He hates me!" Onew sat down and pulled Minho onto his lap. He rubbed his back until he calmed down. "He doesn't hate you," he finally said, “he just doesn't know how to properly interact with you and it leads to you two fighting. I'm going to do something about it but don't worry, he doesn't hate you."

Minho wiped his eyes and stood up. "Thank you Onew. I really appreciate it." Onew looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry this keeps happening to you." Minho just nodded.

Onew talked to Key privately later and convinced him to have a couple therapy session for the two of them. Key agreed after a little pushback. It took Minho a little longer to agree but he did but he did eventually.

A few months passed and although their relationship was far from perfect, And they still fought every now and then, They were doing much better and had become much closer friends. They hoped one day soon, their fights would be a thing of the past.

A/N I almost forgot to upload today!!! It's already 1 am!!! I'm going to sleep now, I have work tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy!

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