Purim - SuperM

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"Don't forget to come in costume," I reminded Lucas over the phone. "I don't get it," he said. "It isn't Halloween." I just giggled.

As they came in the door with their costumes and sat down, I got the last few things together in the kitchen. They each had a cute costume that showed off their personalities.

"This is my favorite holiday." I told them, "because my Jewish birthday is two days before." They all started singing happy birthday and then turned to me. "Don't you know Hebrew?" Kai asked. "Sing it in Hebrew."

I started singing. "Yom Huledet Sameach Yom Huledet Sameach Yom Huledet Sameach Yom Huledet Sameach." "You don't put your name?" Mark asked. I shook my head.

"Come on." I said, "Let me teach you about Purim. Just like most of our holidays, they tried to kill us or wipe out our religion and we survived. The Purim story takes place in Persia, where the king, Achashveirosh, had killed his wife Vashti for disobeying him and was looking for a new queen. The Jews had sinned and God was going to punish them. Esther became the queen and got married. Haman, an advisor to the king, became second in command and ordered everyone to bow to him but Jews don't bow to anyone but God so Mordechai, the now Queen Esther's uncle, refused to bow. Haman was mad and asked the king permission to kill all the Jews which the king agreed to. Esther had not told the king that she was a Jew. Mordechai helped the Jews repent and Esther went to go see the king without permission which could have gotten her killed but she invited the king and Haman to a party. Haman was happy because he had a day to kill the Jews, the thirteenth of the month of Adar. He had also built a gallows to kill Mordechal. At the party, Esther asked for a second party. That night, the king couldn't sleep so he read the history book in which it said that once, Mordechai had saved his life and had not been rewarded. He made Haman lead Mordechai through the streets and say "Thus shall be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor." After he went to the party with the king and queen where Esther said 'I am a Jew and this man wants to kill my people.' The king had him hang on the gallows he had built for Mordechai. The Jewish people fought and won. We dress up every year because in the story, God worked from behind the scenes and was hidden. We therefore hide our faces."

They listened to the story wide eyed. "Wow." Baekhyun said. "That's crazy!"

I then brought them through the Jewish community where the little kids were dancing in the streets giving little gift boxes to their friends. I had given each of them a basket as well and explained that we give gifts of at least two foods to others.

We had an amazing time dancing in the street with everyone else and seeing all the costumes. It was so much fun and at the end of the day we were all so tired. I couldn't wait for Passover, to teach them and have them over for the seder.

A/N I forgot to post this on Purim which was two weeks ago. I hope you all enjoy.

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