Cause I'd Do Anything to Hold Your Hand

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   Bad groans as he sits on his porch. He really needs a break from his family. He decided to use the money his mother gave him, to get him into college. But his dad says he should've gave it to him for Calista. Calista even said she didn't want it!

The front door creaks,"Darryl?", a feminine voice, Calista.

"Calista? Isn't it past your bedtime?", bad checks his phone. 3:54 am. "Like, really past your bedtime."

"Why are you here?"

"Just taking some fresh air."

"It's cold,", Calista droops a blanket on him. His hello kitty blanket.

Bad smiles, grabbing her hand and bringing her next to him,"You cant be cold aswell."

"Can you sing me a song? Er- the song that's like... take me to your bestfriends house.", she yawns.

"Oh, okay. Take me to your best friend's house. Goin' 'round this roundabout, oh yeah. Take me to your best friend's house. I loved you then and I love you now, oh yeah,", bad continues singing. Until he hears soft snoring. She fell asleep.

Bad carrys her, she's wrapped in the blanket like a burrito. He leaves her in her bed, with the blanket. One less blanket is alright for one night.

Bad walks by the bathroom, the same bathroom he remembers dying his hair red in middle school. With kool-aid. It was fun. Consequences, not so much. Who cares. As long as he had fun.

He would do anything to have fun again. Maybe he can, he has to relive his childhood before college.

Technically, he has a lot of things to do before college

Bad gets in bed. Turning on his TV to watch something to sleep. He decides on some random thing on his recommendation. Do Revenge? Something like that.

Oh my gosh, this is interesting. Why hasn't he watched this before? Well, he's always with his little sister, she definitely can't see stuff like this.


Bad walks to school, this morning has already been exhausting. He got yelled at again, because he brought his sister to bed with another blanket. That's so stupid.

Then they said he couldn't hang out with skeppy, or antfrost! Only puffy and Hannah. Gosh.

Skeppy runs up to him,"Bad!! Thank God your here. Hannah said she wants to hang out at her house this weekend. Sleepover?"

"I gotta ask my parents. Uhm, they said I couldn't talk to you or antfrost... I'll probably tell them it's Hannah's house. It is-you know!"

Skeppy nods,"Okay! Uh-why can't you talk to me?"

"You are gay apparently to them."

"For you,", skeppy pretends to almost kiss bad. Before getting a soccer ball thrown at him. Skeppy looks to the person who threw it. Quackity. "QUACKITY!"



Quackity raises his eyebrow. Confused by how they act gay, but aren't gay. What the fuck. Quackity runs over to bad,"Anyways. Do you know where karl is? I gotta show him something."

"Quackity do not show him your burnt Thanos toy."

"Why not! It's important to me! Like bad~", quackity hugs bad.

Skeppy shoves quackity away,"GO SHOW KARL YOUR THANOS."

Quackity rolls his eyes, mumbling something in spanish, which made skeppy chuck something at his adopted brother. Quackity screams and runs off. Like a chicken, seriously.

Skeppy looks back at bad,"Dont mind him. He's an idiot."

Bad smiles,"Pffft. I think I can see that.", skeppy laughs. He wraps his arm around bad and they walk over to Hannah, dream, george, sapnap and karl. Dang, where'd quackity go.

"Hey lovebirds! Skeppy you told bad right?"

"Mhm, he has to ask his parents."

"Okay! Bad, you know how to bake, yea?", Hannah turns to him.

"Mhm, why?"

"We wanna bake! I'm not sure what we should bake. Brownies or cookies-"

Sylvee screams from somewhere,"BROWNIES!", she scares karl, who screams really loud. So he does exactly that, screaming and jumping into sapnaps arms. Like Scooby-Doo to... shaggy? Hopefully that's right. Sylvee looks over to them,"whoops.."


Bad sits on his porch, with his parents. He sighs,"Dad, it's Hannah's house. I promise it's not skeppys house. You said I could hang out with Hannah! It's just one night."

"Maybe we should've thought that through. No sex. I do not want you coming back with a girlfriend or two.", first of all, ew.

"I won't! Plus, clay and nick are going to be there."

"Are you saying they will have sex?! You think they don't know better!?", she stands up.

"No! I meant that-that we all wont-"

"MA! Stop it!", Calista stands at the doorway. "He's my big brother. Don't hurt him!"


Bad waits in his car, he sees them racing to the passenger seat. He locks the passenger door. They look at him in shock.


"Skeppys sitting there!"

Dream rolls his eyes,"Of course-wait does that mean karl and george have to squish in with us??"

"George can go in the trunk by the way.", sapnap snickers.

"No, you can."

"Guys, just get in. We'll figure it out."


Bad stops at George's house first, against sapnaps wish, but george is the closest person. George gets in the middle seat. Confused why the passenger seat in empty, expecting sapnap to be in it.

Bad stops at Karl's house, karl sits on George's lap, both giggling like little kids. Laughing loudly when karl almost dies. Gosh, these people don't wear seatbelts anymore.

"Baaddd where the actual fuck are we going!", dream tries to mimick sapnaps

"Skeppys house. Calm down dream."


"Sapnap doesn't have a thick country accent."


Bad stops at skeppys house. His huge house. George and karl freak out. Saying they've never seen skeppys house. Must be a brag to go here often.

Skeppy runs out the house, with a Spiderman backpack. Which is so fricking cool to bad! Bad obviously unlocks the passenger door.


Bad raises his hands in the air, cheering like a little kid. Now, it's time to drive. That's cringey.

Song name from: I don't care if your contagious, Pierce The Veil.

3:45, 3/18/23Where stories live. Discover now