Three Of Us Sleep Next To Three Others

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Summer chapter
I'm like pretty sure it's all fluff😱
The name doesn't match at all but idc

Bad looks around, holding on skeppys hand, dreams hand in his other. He's at a concert. He was only allowed because dream was going, sapnap and Calista are going to Texas with their mother.

The only three reason he went to this taylor swift concert, was because he could have a chance to be with skeppy, skeppy likes concerts, dream likes Taylor swift.

He doesn't mind the music, he doesn't listen to this genre of music, but... barely anyone does. Those bands he listens to, don't have concerts near where he lives.

He knows sapnap and Calista will be here tonight. They planned to go to skeppys house. Calista, they aren't bringing her. Listen, she can't know bad and skeppy are dating. Sure, she isn't a snitch. She does have a mouth that accidently tells secrets.

Plus, quackity is known for cursing. He is definitely not the person to be good with her. Maybe someone else is better? Skeppy is her favorite of bads friends. Skeppys her "step-dad", bads her dad apparently. Maybe she already knew.

The concert ends, dream really dressed up for this. He said next time she comes to Florida, he's bringing george. Of course he's bringing his.. boyfriend? Bad knows they have something.

They go in the car, bad was going to drive, skeppy got in the driver's seat before him. Seeing and sensing bads exhaustion. Bad was very tired. Maybe it's because he hasn't gotten the chance to sleep a full ten hours. Twelve hours is normal for him. He sleeps at eight, when he had school. He liked sleep.

Summer made him stay up more. Helping Calista have her ramen noodles at 2 am. Sapnap back in the house, after being locked out. Dream won't stop BLASTING HIS MUSIC.

Hopefully in college he'll have more time to sleep. He's sure he'll be tired from studies.


He's in someone's bedroom, he looks around. It's skeppys bedroom. He sees no one. But he does hear commotion outside the room. Bickering, maybe. Probably.

He stands up, he's only in his boxers and skeppys tee-shirt. Skeppy changed him out of his uncomfortable clothes! Skeppys so nice.

He walks out, going towards the screaming, coming from downstairs. He instantly sees skeppy and quackity fighting in the kitchen. Karl and sapnap cheering on quackity. Do they know quackitys a bad fighter? Probably.

Skeppy bodyslams quackity on the hard, cold, marble counter. A very loud bang from quackitys body hitting it. Quackity either broke a bone, or has a very strong body. Bads leaning towards the first option.

"YEEEEOUCH I BROKE MY ARM!!", quackity screams. Karl screaming even louder then him.

Bad is the only responsible person here, it seems. He walks over to... everyone. He looks at quackitys arm. Barely touching it. "Skeppy!! Why would you do that!!"

Quackity devishly grins,"YEA SKEPPY!"

"... he was talking shit about people who bake.", of course.

"Oh my goodness... quackity do you need to go to the hospital?", quackity says a very loud yes.

George raises his hand,"Can I bring him?? I know how to drive!! Can dream come with me?"

"Okay, make sure dream doesn't drive."

"Baaad. I've seen you drive, I know how to!", dream really wants to drive.

"Dream. I don't want you to drive, without a learners permit or a driver's license."

"Ohhh.", dream grabs quackity. Karl and sapnap helping. Skeppy sits on the counter where quackity was previously. Munching on some random pretzels he had. Bad leans on the counter.

"Did I wake you up? Actually everyone else. I'm an angel.", skeppy smiles. Though he is really asking.

"Nope, you didn't wake me up. The others mightve. I dunno.", bad shrugs. "Did you change me?"

Skeppys face turns red,"Uh- you were in jeans and a shirt meant for fashion. I didn't see anything-"

Bad cuts him off with a small peck on the cheek,"It's okay! I thought it was pretty nice. Your shirt is comfy.", bad looks down at his shirt. "All your clothes are comfy."

"Well yours are too! Plus, you have a good fashion taste.", skeppy gives bad a kiss on his forehead.

Bad blushes,"Thank you..", very flustered by affection. He covers his face, whining about how unfair skeppy is. While skeppy continues placing small kisses all over bads face, head, hands.

"We left to put quackity in the car, and you guys start making out!", sapnap looks away. Pretending to gag, an action he stole from quackity.

"NO. No make out sessions over here.", skeppy firmly says. Putting his chin up, as confident as can be.

Sapnap smirks,"Mhm. What about hickeys? 'Cause skeppy seems to love them~", some teasing. Normal for brothers... sapnap needs to shut up though.

"SAPNAP!", bad screeches at his younger brother. Hiding his face in his arms. Laying his head on the counter.

Skeppy laughs at his embarrassment. Softly petting bads hair. Combing it through his fingers. Bad leans into the touch. Like some type of cat.

"Skeppy, your so fucking lame. You turn into a wholesome person when bad is here. YOU LITERALLY WERE THREATENING US!!"

"No I didn't? What do you mean?", skeppy acts clueless.

"Now your gaslighting me. Karl, let's go do just dance."

"The YouTube version? Like the videos."

"Duh. Quackity will break anything.", skeppy says, still brushing through bads hair.

"Oh yea. Well you guys be gay. We are going in quackitys room.", they start walking off. Stomping up the stairs like ignorant people. Just kidding, it's fine.

Skeppy brings bad upstairs. Bads still tired, he needs to sleep. Good thing quackitys room is soundproof. Only soundproof room, because he won't SHUT UP.

Bad lays in skeppys queen sized bed, skeppy right next to him. Bad looks up,"Can you play with my hair?". God damn. Bad sounds so exhausted, skeppy is also. But, bad really needs to sleep, and if skeppy playing with his hair gets him to, so be it.

Skeppy snakes his hands towards bads shoulder length hair. Bads growing it out. Skeppy carefully tangles his hand in bads hair. Brushing out some knots. Delitcately kissing bad on the head every once in a while.

He hears soft snores from his boyfriend. He smiles, kissing his boyfriend once more, before getting into a comfortable position. Face right up to bads chest. Would've been awkward when he's energetic, but he's very tired. Don't blame him.

3:45, 3/18/23Where stories live. Discover now