I kissed the scars on her skin I still think you're beautiful

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Implied sex, homophobia, child abuse mentioned/implied, child abuse, yes he only got hit once... still abuse

Bad gets up from his bed. He looks for some clothes. He left his stuff in the car, or living room. He has to look for it.

Skeppy grabs his arm, dragging him back in bed. Bad laughs,"Skeppyy. I have to find clothes,"

"Noooo. I'm tired. And I miss you,"

"I'll be out for a minute."

Skeppy stands up,"Then I'll come. Do I need a shirt?", he puts on sweatpants.

"I'm sure no one's awake yet. Come on. Don't be loud, and we have to go inside before eight. That's when Catherine gets up for work. It's seven fourth five. Enough time right?"

"Yea. Let's go,", skeppy guesses he's talking about his step-mom.

They walk out. Both of their bodies aching. They ignore it. Bads luggage being in the car. He only took out his pajamas and charger. He grabs his suitcase. "Is yours inside?"

"Yep, living room."

Bad nods, skeppy turns away, he pokes skeppys waist. Skeppy turns around, fast enough to make bad scream.

"Your getting it.", skeppy smiles. Bad drops his suitcase. Skeppy runs after him, hands almost touching bad. But not close enough. Skeppy finally catches up to bad, tackling him on the ground, tickling him.

Bad screams, laughing while trying to tell skeppy to stop. "IM GONNA PEE MY PANTS.", a lie, but atleast skeppy stopped.

Skeppy helps bad up,"Now, time to go inside."

Bad huffs, gosh that was exhausting. He nods. They walk to the house, the door opens. It's bads step-mom.

She looks at both of them, noticing the marks on them, and the fact they look very exhausted,"What the fuck Darryl. Not in my house."

"What?", she walks off, leaving bad dumbfounded. Maybe they did that, maybe they didn't, okay they did... Bad looks over at skeppy,"Mhm. What she said."

"Whaaat!! I never-ever did that!", skeppy makes eye contact with a stoned face bad.

"Mama mia!! Holy moly!!", quackity screams. Skeppy shushes him, knowing Calista is a light-sleeper. And... doesn't want anyone else seeing him shirtless. Listen, he's a little shy!

Quackity pushes them inside, and into the guest room. Telling them to put on clothes. It's not like they were naked. Sure, skeppy didn't have a shirt, at least he put on pants!

They walk out. Bad not expecting his father in the kitchen... and everyone awake. They both have obvious hickeys. Bads are more visible, all on his neck, jaw or collarbones. Skeppy has a few on his neck and collarbone.

Calista is sitting on a stool, talking to her dad, about what she wants to do for her birthday, in September. Her dad leaning on the counter, smiling.

Dream is talking to sapnap and karl, about how loud they were last night. Quackity is eavesdropping, pretending to be on his phone.

Sapnaps the first... technically third, person to see the marks. He raises his eyebrows. Smirking. Bad is about to go back in the guest room.

Karl and dream are next, quietly laughing to themselves.

"Whats so funny-", bads father looks over, his smile dropping. He stands up, off the counter. "What the fuck is that."

Bad backs up,"I burnt myself. I was curling my hair. I kept burning myself.", his father knows barely anything about long hair. If he asks, the curls uncurled while he slept.

"And him?"

"Same thing.", bad hums.

His father is not convinced,"Are you lying to me now?", he walks towards bad. Bad backs up even more, into a wall. Skeppy standing next to him.

Bad shakes his head. He can't talk, all that would come out would be cries. He doesn't want to get hit. Not again. Not infront of his siblings. Not infront of skeppy.

Sapnap stands up,"Dont hit him."

"Of course. You have to save your brother. You never got hit. It's normal.", he doesn't even look in sapnaps way. Still managing eye contact with bad.

Bads voice trembles as he sighs out,"Not in front of them.", he doesn't want them to see him like this.

His father turns around,"You heard him. Get out."

"No! I'm not letting you hit him!", skeppy huffs.


"You have a say in this? I don't think so. You can take his place, since you care so much. I could beat you up."

"Do it.", skeppy grins. Bad pushes skeppy away from his dad. Not wanting anything to happen.

Bad gets hit on his arm, he flinches. Skeppy looks at him, checking his arm. Skeppy looks up,"That's child abuse."

"Hes a grown man."

Bad swallows,"You hit me when ever since I was born!", he should leave. But leaving sapnap when their father is like this?? That's too risky.

Calista stares at her father, the man who always played with her, and promised he'd never hit her. Hit her brother. She gets off her stool, running out the house. She's scared, sheneeds to escape before she gets hit.

Bad runs after her, calling for her. His father calls her mother and follows after.

Short chapter, 870 words... sorry!! Title is from A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil, erm... it's escalating. The title doesn't match this chapter, sorry☹️☹️

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