Who will dry your eyes When it falls apart?

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Homophobia mentioned, f-slur mentioned, it's when sapnap got outed, violence(sapnap has anger issues sorry), karl calms sapnap down :) most of the time, suicidal thoughts mentioned

Calista climbs a tree. She learned from sapnap. She remembers sapnap carrying her, she places her hands on the tree, he put her down, showing her how to climb a tree.

She stares at the ground under her. She's not scared of heights. She just doesn't want her dad to find her. She hears her father calling her name, frantically. He seems worried, but... she doesn't want to be near him. She misses her papa. She hears multiple calls for her. Is she really that liked?

She sighs as she rubs her knees, her legs, her arms, her elbows, her hands, and her face... she fell a lot trying to run away.

She sees someone right under her, skeppy? He's just standing there. Talking to sapnap. Sapnap shoves him, running away. Jokingly, right?

She coughs, oh no. Skeppy looks up, smiling,"Calista?"

She stares, not knowing what to say. Hopefully he won't call everyone.

"Everyone's looking for you, come on. Your dirty,", he puts his hand out.

She wipes her eyes,"Is my- is he going to hit me?", her voice shakes.

Skeppys eyes widen,"No, I promise. Do you want your dad?", talking about bad. Calista thinks- knows. Skeppy never talks about her father. Is used to because he never knew him, now... it's obvious why.


Skeppy puts his arms out,"Then c'mon. Or do you want me to get you myself?"

She scoots closer,"...will you catch me?"

"Duh.", she jumps into skeppys arms.


Calista watches as her father tries to comfort her. Acting like an actual father. So much it scares sapnap.

Sapnap knows he will sound selfish. To be honest, he might be. "You never did that to me."

His father looks up,"What? When were you in need of comfort?"

"When I started getting bullied.", sapnap remembers what happened.


He was having a good start to his day. Karl was going to hang out with him more, because karl got split in his class, since his teacher was gone.

He opens the doors, theres students staring at him, more then usual. Some of them whisper, and some of them call him slurs. Next thing he knows, he gets tackled. By the person he told, he trusted.


"You need to man up for that shit! Focus on your grades for once."

Sapnap stares at him, in shock. He grabs the thing closest to him, a fucking cutting board. The knife slides off, and the bread on it does the same. Sapnap walks closer to his father, ready to slam the board on his head.

Skeppys the first to react, pulling sapnap back.  Sapnap turns around, trying to hit skeppy, screaming at him.

Dream runs over, grabbing the board, well trying to. Sapnap hits his palm, dream finally grabs the cutting board, throwing it somewhere else. He tries to comfort sapnap, telling him how their father isn't the person who should be comforting him, someone else should be.

Sapnap looks at him, thinking of the person. Bad is one person. But... he hears a voice, karl.

"The person you willingly say, I love you, to, is the person who should be comforting you.", dream knows who his brother is thinking of. It's obvious really. The look in his eyes says it all.

"I have to go. I need to see him.", he walks out, he texts karl to meet him at the field near their highschool.

He barely says "I love you", to karl. He's scared, he's been scared ever since he got outed. It's causing him to be scared of being affectionate with a man. He feels disgusted with himself every time he thinks a bit about his sexuality. It's not healthy to hate yourself, especially for your sexuality, but it's something he can't help feeling. It might be from the kids at school, or his parents. Either way, it's causing him to act like karl is his ex girlfriends or something. Karl's not. Karl's more then that, he's more understanding, more pretty.

He walks over to the school. Bit of a walk. Karl already made it. He's standing in the field, looking around. He sees sapnap, and waves.

Sapnap walks over, damn this isn't going to be easy for him. Karl sways back and forth,"So, why'd you tell me to come here? We gonna have sex or something?", karl laughs.

Sapnap smiles,"Uh... no. I had a talk with dream, and he said,"the person you say, I love you, to, is the person who should be comforting you.". You're the person who comforts me. And I really do love you. I realized at that point that... I never say it. I'm sorry for that."

"You dont have to be sorry for that. I know you love me. I see the way you look at me. I've seen so much people look at eachother like that. Couples do."

"People you know?"

"Skeppy looks at bad like bad had just ended world hunger. You look at me like that. I see you."

"You notice???", sapnap hides his red face. He never thought karl saw hin staring. But, he can't be flustered right now, he's supposed to be talking to karl about something... kind of serious right now.

"Um. I do look at you like that, but I feel mean for not doing anything. All I do is look at you. I never tell you. I'm too scared to touch you- I feel like a shit boyfriend."

Karl grabs sapnaps hand,"You aren't, that's what makes me love you. I know you're scared, you got outed. You show you love me. If we love each other- im sure we can do this if we tried.", karl looks to the side. He's unexperienced, and he just hopes he's saying the right thing.

Sapnap cups karls face,"You got outed.. right?"

"Mhm.", karl leans down, closer to sapnaps height.

"How'd you do it? How'd you survive it?", sapnap says. Not realizing what he's suggesting.

"I... I got comfort from you. You told me it would go away, and you slept with me, when I feared I wouldn't survive the night without wanting to kill myself. I woke up, ready to die. I felt you holding me. I never did.", karl kisses sapnap on the nose. "You. You were my reason."


"Ill be the one holding you. I'll be the one comforting you. This time, I'll be able to say I love you, and I can kiss you.", sapnap melts at that. Pulling karl into a passionate kiss. Finally feeling good when he is being gay. If his gay thoughts are about karl... he's not disgusted.

TITLE FROM : space song by beach house.... I think
BUT, tell me if you want more of them, wink wink ;)

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