The smell of his hair And the taste of his lips

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Karlnap centric chapter, especially sapnap. Just a show of what their school is like. F-slur used (I can reclaim[?] it, I am a trans- gay man), some of it is about dream

Sapnap took bads advice. So, here he is, ready to fight someone who talks shit about him. His chin is raised high, and he's proudly talking to karl. He's holding Karl's hand.

Dream looks proud, almost jealous of sapnap for being able to come out. The least he can do, is defend his brother, and his boyfriend.

Dream sees one of the football players walk forward, towards karl, sapnap glares. The football player cups karls face, an inch away from his face,"Fag. Can't believe you got a guy to be gay. Who knew you were such a manwhore!"

Dream walks behind him,"Whatd you say about him?", the football player turns around, giving sapnap the chance to tear his hand off of Karl's, and punch him.

"FUCK!", the guy holds his head, stumbling.

Sapnap and dream make eye contact, dream huffs,"Dude. You better not have given him a concussion."

Sapnap smirks,"It's gonna be badass if I did.", sapnap notices some of the kids girlfriends helping him to the clinic.

Karl laughs,"It would. Not sure bad will be happy about that."

"Oh, and my coach. There's no way that kid can play."

Sapnap shrugs,"He called karl a slur. I'm sure whatever punishment I get, is better then having a concussion."


Sapnap stares at his parents, as they yell at him for punching a kid, and giving him a concussion. But, not that exact reason, they have to pay the kids hospital bills.

His eyes wander around the room. Bad is staring at sapnap, jaw on the ground. Skeppy is on his phone, filming him getting yelled at, so sapnap can laugh about how chill he is.

"I'm sorry for making you guys pay his expensive hospital bills."

"And for giving him a...?", sapnaps mom motions for him to continue the sentence.

"Giving him what he deserved."

"No, you shouldn't have punched him for your gay friend."

"He called my friend a slur."

"He is a fag. Like you. Both disgusting."

Sapnap smiles,"Die.". His parents gasp, looking at eachother, then back at him. "You heard me. You can't seem to care for most of your children. Darryl only came here for his friend, hes in dire need of a therapist because of the abusive household you made him live in. I am here being yelled at for being who I am, I am terrified of someone hitting me.", his parents dont care. Maybe they will when their precious son is mentioned.

"Clay isn't even him. He's liked football, sure. But he isn't a jock, he is a musical kid, he loves music. But you guys wouldn't notice, you guys make him be a "normal" boy. No one's normal in this fucking shithole of a family.", they are now looking at dream. Sapnap realizes his mistake, he starts apologizing.

Dream can do this, he can stand up for himself. He's never done it against his parents. His dad especially, they ask him, all these stupid questions. "I've always hidden who I am. I don't even like the songs you guys think I do. But you guys would hate if I told you guys what I actually like."

His mom shakes her head,"No! Your my precious boy! I would never-ever hate your interests."

Sapnap has heard that tone. Of actual parental love. Not from her. From bad. It's weird, hearing an actual mother say such kind things.

"No! You would. Just like how everyone is going to hate me when I tell them I'm sapnaps biggest supporter!"

His mom stops... she's not giving up,"I know my little clay, you're a strong boy. You would never be hated. If you were, you'd stand up for yourself."

I know my little pandas, you're a strong boy.

"You are trying so hard to get a normal son. Aren't you?", bad leans closer to sapnap. "Are you sure us two are horrible people?"

"You aren't my son, don't talk to me, i dont have to be nice to my step-son."

"I very much felt like your son when you kept abusing me, and called it discipline. You acted like I was."

"Clay, don't listen to them. They don't know what they are saying."

"Sappy, don't listen to them. They don't know what stupid things they are saying. They bully you because they think your better, and you are."

"But im your child. Your son. I've never gotten any comfort. Anything you would give clay and Calista in a quick second."

"But you turned out... strong. And... nice, sometimes."

"Oh, because of who? Tell me."

"Uh... your father-"

"Darryl. He's three years older then me. He's been my father. I have anger issues because of my biological father. You guys haven't been there for me when I was- still am, being bullied. Middle school me had muffins in my lunchbox when dad forgot to buy food for me and dream. When I was younger, bad was the one protecting me from my alcoholic father."

"I'm the one paying for your stupid shoes. You have a roof over your head because of me! Not him."

"Oh, the bare minimum is all I need to care for my children!! Be glad im raising your children so they wouldn't have a bad childhood like me. Even so, I was practically forced into caring for them. You would be too busy figuring out how to get into a fight with Catherine."

"You got to sleep in a bed every night."

"Unlike when I was a literal baby. I slept on the ground, since you used all your money om cigarettes and beer. I never had a bed until we moved here."

"You are about to be kicked out this house."

Skeppy looks at bad, whispering,"Do you want to leave?"

"No. Not until they are safe."

"They've never been abused. They will be fine.", she hugs dream. Dream awkwardly shuffles away. "And, you've already gotten one of my sons gay. I'm not letting you do it to my baby."

"I like girls too ma!", sapnap raises his hands, before putting them down.

"What about that boy! Is he your boyfriend?"

"No! I'm not going to date someone while I'm being bullied! He's just a friend!"


Sapnap was lying. He is going to date someone while he is being bullied. Karl is not just a friend.

Karl is someone who protects him, like he is right now. Holding sapnap, while they are watching a movie in Karl's room. Karl has one of his arms around sapnaps chest, the other, laying on sapnaps thigh.

Karl touches sapnap all the time. His hair, face,  arms, thighs, chest, stomach. He never means it in sexual way, it's never sexual intimacy. Anywhere he wants to touch, sapnap will let him.

Karl's practically allowed to do anything with sapnap. Hes... special. Sapnap doesn't really touch people. Ever since his ex yelled at him for cheating on her with his cousin, he's never hugged much people. Let alone let them touch anywhere usually covered up my clothes.

Karl's someone sapnap can trust.

1200 words, YIPPEE!! I'm trying to make longer chapters, sorry for them not being long.
Title from: trees by McCafferty, don't support him 🤓

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