Can I Dream For a Few Months More?

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   Skeppy snakes his hand around bads. Intertwining their hands. They snuck outside Hannah's house. Right now, they are in her backyard, watching the stars. They are more prominent near bads house, since he kind of lives in the middle of no where. But they can still see stars. Bad points to the brightest stars he sees. For some reason, hes very energetic. More then skeppy.


Bad picks a weed from the ground,"It's crazy how we both are going to college in about two months."

"Mhm.. which one are you going to?", skeppy is hoping they are going to the same one.

"Er, it's the one in the state. Only one I could really afford."

"Fuck.", skeppy looks at the ground.

"Dont tell me.. your going to an expensive one?"

"My parents paid for it already. I'm sorry bad.", skeppy sniffles. Is he actually crying?

"No- skeppy don't cry! It's alright, we can always call eachother- um... I can send you things!", bad hugs skeppy. Not expecting a sob to come out skeppy.

"Bad- I'll be in a whole-fuck-different state! We only have two months together- barely two."

"No- we have summer too- well you have to go earlier then me- but we can do a lot of things! I promise."

Skeppy fights the urge to kiss him, he hugs bad even tighter,"Bad. I'll miss you."

"Skeppy, I'll miss you aswell. I promise, when we graduate, we'll move in together- like we said in second grade? We will do exactly that."

Skeppy stays silent.

"On breaks, we can see eachother? Long distance will be okay."

"What if you replace me."

"Skeppy, I won't. You know this. I wouldnt trade you for anyone, ever. You won't do it, right?"

"Yea. God. Do you wanna take a walk. Maybe we can go to a playground,", skeppy stands up. Helping bad up.

"Yea, let's go get ice cream first."


"Dang. I didn't know you drank? Your underage. Stupid. Since when could you pretend to be over twenty-one?-"

The door opens. Dream and sapnap, who were on stools. They look at bad in horror. Dream grabs sapnaps hand,"Is he drunk?!"

Bad looks up,"Dream- I promise I'm not him. I won't do anything!", bads not drunk. Hes tipsy.

Sapnap looks at bad, backing up. Yes, he hasn't ever been hit by his father, but he sure as hell seen bad get hit.

Bad stays where he is, knowing if he gets closer, it'll make it worse,"Sapnap, I would never hit you. I'd... hate myself if I did."

Skeppy looks at the two of them,"Do you want me to bring him to bed?"


Skeppy grabs bads hand, tightly. Bringing him to the guest room as quietly as he can. Bad babbles about pretty much anything. He gets pretty stupid while drunk, he's tipsy isn't he? So why does he act like he drank alot?

Skeppy shuts the bedroom door. Watching ant and velvet, to make sure they don't wake up. He lays bad on the bed,"Okay, go sleep."

"Nooooo, sleeep with meee,", bad frowns and does puppy dog eyes. Skeppy couldn't say no. Not to a face like that. Is it him or is it getting hot in here? Is he blushing??

Skeppy gets in the bed, bad instantly took of his shoes when they went into the bedroom. Skeppy did as well. Shoes are for outside.

Bad grabs skeppy, bringing him closer to him. Bad lays on skeppy, like whole body on skeppy. God, skeppy is probably so red right now. And hot. At least there's no blanket on them? Bad looks up,"Your like a heater,", showing his stupid smile.

"Your all over me,", skeppy should've worded that better...

"Mm,", what does that mean. He literally just hummed. In agreement? Bads already falling asleep. He's snoring! How'd he sleep so fast? He says he takes about an hour to actually sleep.


Skeppy wakes up from the sound of pictures being taken. Bads still on him. Sleeping like a baby.

Skeppy finally opens his eyes, seeing ant and velvet taking pictures. Why the actual fuck does velvet have a Polaroid camera.

"Guys. What the fuck."

"What? You guys are acting more gay then us! Literally ant never sleeps with his whole body on me.", skeppy is really hoping his blush isn't noticeable.

"Right. Maybe you guys should talk that out then-", the door opens. Skeppy hopes it's not quackity.

Sapnap walks in,"Hey, I got him some water and advil. Still don't understand how that happened."

"I dont know either-", sapnap slaps his arm.

"Watch over him! I'll fucking kill you if something like that happens again."


Bad sits in the bed, wiggling his feet around like a little kid. He watches skeppy pack up the Spiderman stuff. Oh, he has to go home. If he gets yelled at, he gets yelled at... right? Like he said, he's leaving in two months. He already saw an apartment he wants to go to, which is near his college. He'll move as soon as he can.


Bad sits outside his porch, he already got yelled at. He hasn't cried yet, only because dream was making faces behind their parents back. He swings back and forth on the swing. He'll stay here until his parents go to sleep. He doesn't feel like getting yelled at again. Hey, he got to have his fun? He doesn't even remember how he got alcohol. Skeppy looked away for a second, and it like appeared on his hand. He swears he didn't do anything.

Title from: Class Of 2013 - Mitski

3:45, 3/18/23Where stories live. Discover now