I am something I have been something I was born something What could I be?

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Bad centric chapter I guess?? Homophobia, f-slur use(again... sorry), praise skeppys family,skeppy and bad fight for a min- dw they're good. Dream and quackity have drama, and it's talked about in this, dw they will be friends again (irl tho... idk)

Bad doesn't bother getting off his phone. His step mother is yelling at him, it's something he's used to, and he's already learned how to tune her out.

She slaps his cheek, making him tense up and look up. She scoffs,"Your just jealous everyone else in this family is actually worth something."

"I am something. I'm a human, and your step-son. Do not hit me. That won't get me to leave. I might even stay longer if I have a suspicion your going to abuse sapnap!"

"You dont care about clay or Calista. You are really that jealous."

"Sapnaps more in risk of getting attacked then those two! You love your dear children. Not sapnap, sapnaps always the problem for you. He is being himself, hes actually loving people he loves, he's doing things he enjoys. Instead of following your every order like your the boss."

"I am. I'm the boss of this household, your father has told you both of us are the bosses."

"You aren't his boss. He is his own boss when it comes to his hobbies, sexuality, humor, anything that isn't related to chores or school. He decides what he wants to do, what label fits him the most."

"Of course you would know a bit about that lgbtq shit. Your gay. Aren't you? I've always expected it. But, you defending your brother? You don't seem capable to even defend yourself."

"I-", bad thinks she's right. He's never really defended himself, since when could he defend sapnap??

"Mhm. That's what I thought. You should just go tell sapnap to listen to his mother. You... can do whatever homo shit you do. No sex. Or your leaving."

"I didn't do that. A-and I'm not telling sapnap that. He won't listen to me if I say that-"

"Because you raised him to be some rebel. You hide it by pretending to be a good kid. You aren't, admit it. You dyed your hair when we told you no."

"It's my hair, it isn't yours. I'm not pretending to be a good kid. How am I pretending??", bad sighs,"I never raised him to be bad. I raised him to never say curse words, and when he grew up, I taught him to defend himself. There is a reason he's acting how he is! Your the problem!"

"I'm not the fucking problem. You get good grades and a scholarship, but you've never played much sports! You dont let people curse, no one in this house isnt allowed, except calista."

"That's the reason. There is no reason for my friends to be cursing next to a kid who talks a lot!"

"So she copies people, she said you and your friend were dating. Is that true??"

Bads not sure if he should say yes, he looks at skeppy, who just shrugs. They both haven't told their parents, but they know skeppys parents are supportive. He can do this.

"So what if it's true. She never heard us! So don't come at me with the brainwashing stuff. She just thought that, and she was right."

"You fuckin' fag. You fuckin' homo. Pack up, AND LEAVE FAGGOT!!", she hits bads chest so hard, she knocks the breath out of him. "Take your little boyfriend with ya', never fuckin' liked him anyway."

Skeppy grabs bads hand, not hearing any argument. He packs their clothes, and walks out with both suit cases in one hand, bad in the other.

They get in quackitys car, quackity left by bad dropping him at home, quackity let skeppy have the chance to leave.

Bad grabs skeppys hand,"What about sapnap! We arent leaving them all g'eppy!"

"We need to. She said we had to. You got fucking hit, by both of them bad! You have to stop putting yourself in danger to care for others! You're going to die like that!!", skeppy looks at bad, who's not phased.

"Oh, you wouldn't get it because you have a prefect, loving family. I'm sorry I don't have a stable family! I'm sorry, for not being like you.", bad rolls his eyes at the end.

"Bad, I'm not letting you get hurt. I can pick up sapnap, dream, Calista, you aren't getting in there."

"What will happen without me. I'm scared sapnaps going to get hit-"

"Nothing! Your a fucking dumbass! No one is getting hit, except you if you get in there! You're hurting yourself. You care way too much about shit that won't happen!"

"You've never had a family like that. They are abusive goddammit skeppy!", bad hits the seat.

"But I've seen it face to face bad! I've seen families like that! I've seen quackitys old family! He's like you. Both caring wayy to much about siblings. Dream and sapnap are strong, they play sports-"

"They arent insid-"

"I know bad! I know. Why else would I offer picking them up later to my house. I care about them as much as you do. I understand how much a teenager can take. I was a teen- not even a year ago!"

"You'd protect them for me? Bullshit. You know my parents hate you."

"And they hate sapnap. See him locked in his room all the time. No, he fights back. I'll fight back if you want them with you! I'm not a shit boyfriend."

"You'd actually do that?"

"Yes bad. I would. What's so hard about it? I'd protect them like they are my children. I see them as your children, practically."

Bad stares at the house. Seeing sapnap talk to their mother, cursing her out. While she just stands there, shocked and dumbfounded.

"Let's got to your house. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Skeppy grabs bads hand, kissing it,"You had a valid point. I don't blame you."


Skeppy stands at the door, motioning for bad to knock. Bad does, they don't even wait five seconds, they door opens, with quackity. He lights up, them furrows his eyebrows,"Wait. Did something happen?"

"Bad told her about us. She didn't take it so well. She hit bad, I did not want bad there."

"Wait. What's going to happen to sapnap... and dream??", there's drama between them two, they still care for eachother though. Only skeppy seems to know.

"I'm picking them up. Bad wants to see them. If you hit me, I'm swinging. Can we stay here?"

"Mhm! Duh! Separate rooms or?"

"Same. It's good, where's everyone??", skeppy notices the lack of talking.

"Went to the mall. I didn't wanna come, felt like someone would come. I was right- oh yeah, come in. You guys can go to skeppys old room, left the same way it was left. Well, the bed and basic stuff."

"Mhm. We will be up there, until I pick up the others."

"Your picking the others up?? But uh, won't it be awkward between me and dream?"

Bad looks at quackity, dumbfounded,"Huh?"

"Oh.. there's like drama between the two of us. It's something stupid, and we both are not talking to eachother."

"What happened??"

"Well, it was last week. We both were talking about, you know, normal shit. Then out of no where, someone comes up, and starts listing the stuff we have in common. We get mad at eachother for copying the other. 'Cause there are things I've done longer then him, and the other way around.", quackity drops his shoulders,"But I've never thought about the fact he's copying me because he thinks I'm cool. Calista told me that. I've been too busy with my on-going club, that I haven't checked my texts in a bit!"

Bad nods,"It's alright, im sure you guys can talk out your differences. When skeppy picks them up, you can come, ill have to stay here though."

"My parents will be with you. It's not like I'm leaving you unattended. That's dangerous. Who knows what you'd do."

3:45, 3/18/23Where stories live. Discover now