The Beginning To An End

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Headline News: Justin Bieber has officially proposed to Hailey Baldwin.

This wasn't the day I should've been on the internet, but of course the universe always manages to put people through uncomfortable situations. This for me, was an uncomfortable situation.

My ex-boyfriend of 8+ years with our dysfunctional on and off relationship has already moved on with the one person he told me never to worry about. That's the thing about us women, never for a second doubt your instincts. It knows more than you think. I for some reason allowed myself to believe his words in hopes that it would actually be different this time. But once again, the fate of our relationship was in the hands of a man that didn't understand what he wanted.

I'm not saying I'm innocent in all of this. I've had my fair share of moments I wasn't proud of but ultimately my heart did belong to him and only him. Given the love that I provided regardless of our disagreements, I knew I didn't deserve this.

No one deserves to be this hurt.

My phone buzzed on the night stand table interrupting me from the screen. I reached over grabbing it, only to see Justin's name in the Notification Center. Hesitant, I slid the phone open causing my heart to drop as I read his message.

I still love you.

The tears surfaced to my eyes, as I fidgeted with the screen unable to comprehend how exactly this is okay. The screen jumped indicating he sent another one.

Selena, I'm sorry.

Saying sorry so many times and never switching your actions just becomes nothing. It doesn't make anything okay. It just causes resentment, anger and less hope for anything to go back to how it was. But if there's one thing I hope for is that all of this was worth it for him.

I ignored the message, throwing my phone to the side as I fumbled with the covers to get out of bed. Walking to the bathroom, I felt empty and fractured. The hot water didn't help once I slipped my bare body through the glass doors. I was drowning in my endless reminisces of my moments with him, the good and the ugly. I thought this was my person but I was fooled naively. I don't know how I was going to get through this, but I'm counting that it won't destroy me in the end.

It didn't take long for me once I finished, to slip into some sweats and an oversized t-shirt and drag myself to the one place I could release all my feelings. The studio felt comforting and safe, a place I knew I was going to spend the next few weeks in. I dropped my bag on the loveseat, taking a seat and bringing out a notepad. I clicked my pen and began scribbling down the first sentence I kept repeating to myself.

You promise the world and I fell for it

This is the beginning to an end. An end to all the pain I've endured through these years and I hope once it's released if I even decide to, that it hits him as much as it did to me.

Note: If you made it to the end, thank you. I always questioned how Selena felt when she first found out. So I decided to make a version I believe would be plausible for anyone going through this. Sorry it's short but hopefully this was an introduction that all of you would love to continue, until then I'll be in my room scribbling away off of my imagination.

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