Remind Him

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Two weeks passed since my encounter with Justin and I completely lost it. I came home ripping my dress a part, my tears staining my cheeks. I pulled at my hair as I destroyed the hairstyle I held that night. My hands scratched at the wall as I made my way into the bathroom. Months later and I still found it in myself to destroy the pieces I've putting back together. Just a glimpse of him and my whole world turns upside down.

After coming down from my little explosive moment I decided to push myself more into Christian's life. Did I like him? Sure, but loving him as more than a friend was harder than I thought. He's great company, extremely funny but there was something that was missing for me.

We spent the few hours we had together today relaxing on his couch watching another episode of the office. I couldn't pull it out of me to find the humor in episodes I'd usually be dying of laughter. Every single thing reminded me of the things I use to do with Justin. I got up from my slumped position as I straightened my posture. Without saying anything, I got up and walked towards the window to stare at the mountains of California. I was too wrapped up in a daze to even notice Christian had gotten up as well and stood behind me.

"Great view isn't it?" I nodded my head slowly, never looking back. Sometimes I wish this action right here could be so easy with Justin but I couldn't do it. He held a part of me in his hands and I didn't know when the moment was that I was going to break.

"It is," I sighed.

"Selena, what's wrong?" He asked, his hand softly gripping my upper arm as he rubbed in a comforting manner.

"Nothing," I plainly replied. His hand made its way to my face, as his fingers gently tugged at my chin to face him. My eyes felt glossy and I was fighting back letting even the slightest tear fall from my eyes. I cried enough, I was sick of it.

"Don't lie to me, I can see it. Be honest with me. You'd be surprised at how much I actually know,"

"It's not that simple Christian," I said removing my face from his hand and walking past him.

"You're still hung up over your ex, I don't think that's complicated. It only means you're human," he spoke softly.

"And stupid!" I said throwing my hands up in the air, slapping my sides once they fell back down. "You're such a sweet guy and I'm not even being fair to you." I pouted.

"Look, I've been in your place before. Not necessarily with marriage involved but I did things that I was not proud of with my ex. I was angry for so long and then meeting you was a breath of fresh air." He looked down at his feet. "I get how you're feeling but in order for you to move forward you need to let me show you that there's better things out there for you. Let me love you in the right way Selena." He looked at me then, his pupils hopeful but internally I knew if I continued this with him he was only going to get hurt in the end. I couldn't do that and I had to be honest. I needed to figure out my own shit before bringing anyone along this journey.

"Chris," I sighed, looking at my fidgeting fingers. "You're amazing and thank you for being who you are and how you've treated me but if I learned anything from my past is that you can't hold on to someone you're not in love with. I can't be here with you when I'm still healing from Justin. God, I hate him for making me feel this way but I can't stop loving him. I'm trying, trust me I am but these 8 years with him have not stopped me from believing in what ifs." At this point I was crying again, unable to control my breathing in the middle of the room. "You deserve better. I'm sorry but that can't be me." I looked at him, watching as his face fell into a pit of hurt but regardless he nodded understandably.

"He's fucking stupid you know that, right?" Was all he mustered to say.

"You aren't the first person to tell me that." I said, grabbing onto my things and disappearing through his door. I quickly ran to my car, hopping in and slamming the door. I hit the steering wheel a few times as I drowned in my cries. I needed to somehow feel better. To do anything that would make me feel a little less upset about this. So as I wiped my tears away from my face, put the car into ignition, I drove down to rodeo hoping Tara my hair colorist was open for a walk in.

Three hours later, the girl that stared back at me in the mirror looked more vibrant. The blonde lowlights in my layered waves peaked at just the right amount. My bangs cut to perfection just like my revival era days. I thanked Tara as I exited the salon, the breeze immediately hitting me allowing a smile to spread across my face. I had an event coming up and I wasn't sure I was going to go because I was afraid to see him, but now I could care less.

• • •

"Babe you look hot! The red carpet is going to be yours tonight," squealed Teresa next to me as we finished accessorizing my outfit. I wore a low v-cut satin grey dress, a high leg cut with lightly featured heels. My hair was curled into elegant waves and split to the side. I decided to be spontaneous and throw on a pair of blue contacts because why not?

"I feel ready, I haven't felt this good in such a long time." I smiled, approving of my look for once. I felt sexy and I know tonight I was not going to give a rat's ass what the tabloids or anyone says. This night is for me. The other side of me wanted to remind him what happens when you let a good women go. Feeling the excitement radiate off of me I walked towards the exit of the room as we all made our way to the venue.

There were so many people here, the flashes of cameras coming from every direction. I posed and smiled at each of them making my way down the carpet. Every smile that I threw was the action of holding it all in as I heard from the fans behind chanting Jelena. I hope he wasn't here, I don't know what I would do if he is. Making my way inside, I grabbed a glass of champagne just to ease the nerves. I caught up with a few of my friends that were here and I couldn't stop the laughter from falling out of my lips the whole time. I heard my name being called from the side as I saw an excited Camila running towards me to engulf me in a hug.

"Selena! Oh my gosh you look gorgeous,"

"Me? Look at you, always to die for," I replied sweetly. I met Camila through Taylor, one of the sweetest girls I know. I know social media always made bad remarks about everyone but you don't know anyone until you get to know them. She's been one of the few people I keep in touch with in LA. She also one of the few people who knows about everything with Justin so when she gave me that knowing look I already knew.

"Did you see him?" She asked abruptly.

"He's here?" I looked at her suddenly shifting in my seat.

"Yeah, he's alone though I haven't seen Hailey around."

"Oh." Was all I could muster. Now I couldn't stop glancing in every direction as we continued to speak, hoping I didn't catch site of him. For a while it was clear and I excused myself to use the bathroom before the show started. I made my way to the ladies room, checking my phone for any messages I may have missed since I've been in here. There were barely people around this area, at least people that weren't tabloids or individuals I personally knew. I was ready to stroll into the bathroom, when someone gripped my arm pulling me into their direction and into an employee's only room. I was trying to process the whole moment, ready to lash out when I looked up and saw Justin staring down intensely at me.

"What are you doing?!" I asked in disbelief. "Are you insane?" He didn't say anything, his eyes flickering between my own and my body. He was at a lost for words and I was at a lost for patience. "JUSTIN!" I slightly yelled causing him to snap out of whatever trance he was in and finally talk.

"You look so fucking beautiful, Sel."


Okay so I've been terrible at keeping up. The month of March and April have been extremely busy for me and I got into a slump again. I tried for days to get back into this story and some days I would write a bit and then put it down again. I'm definitely finishing this story, but I've been trying to come up with ideas to make it worth it especially since it's on going. I will be making more chapters longer than others.

I also have been working on other Justin stories I've been writing for years and editing so I can publish. This one so happened to get published first because of all the Jelena/Jailey talk the past few months and trust me I've been keeping tf up.

To clear some things up in this chapter the time is set in 2021/22 but some of the outfits and hairstyles I mention in this book will be based on my favorite outfits of them through the years. Hope you guys have been enjoying  it so far, please like & comment <3 I would love to hear what you have to say.

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