Lets Rewind

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I wasn't expecting Justin to have come over yesterday the way he did. I actually thought he was going to forget this whole thing and for a second I myself had gotten my hopes up in something I knew was wrong from the beginning. But, sitting on the couch with him last night ignited all my memories of us. The ones I thought were only going to be just that, a memory.

I tossed several times in bed debating if I'm making the right decision in going with him this weekend. This could be what we need to start the fix of our problems or it can lead to another heartbreak and the feelings of being an idiot once again. It was bold of me actually. If any of my friends for a second knew this is my plan for the weekend, I would never hear the end of it. I love the support and protection I have from them, but sometimes I need to do things myself, learn from them and grow from there. They also understand how much Justin means to me and regardless of our multiple downfalls, I'll always have a soft spot for him. It was hard convincing Teresa that I was going away for some me time, she refused to except I was going anywhere by myself. That is entirely my fault because after my break with Justin, I became inseparable with my friends not that I wasn't before but they were a huge distraction from the constant spiraling I was dealing with.

Any moment I felt like I was close to breaking down, I'd call them up and have them come over or we'd get lost in the streets of LA for some girl time. It worked to a certain extent, except for when Teresa had to start living here part time just to make sure I was okay. It stopped once she noticed I began hanging out with Christian more. She felt it was good that I was finding someone to bond with and open up again. Little did she know it only took one night with Justin to have me rolling directly back to square one.

Justin felt it was best if we arrived separately. We wouldn't want to alarm any paparazzi that we were heading in the same direction. So while he left early this morning I was to follow after in just a few hours. I decided to clean up around the house prior to leaving so I didn't have to worry about anything when I came back. I heard the front door open as I wiped down the counter, only to see Teresa standing by the entrance way of the kitchen with her arms crossed on her chest. I looked at her my mouth parted slightly as I tried to figure out why she was here all of a sudden.

"Hey T, what's up?"

"I don't know you tell me." She said, slowly striding in my direction like a mom who just caught her kid doing something they shouldn't. I laughed nervously shrugging my shoulders as she clicked her tongue, pulling out a small white card. My eyes grew wide, I thought I had gotten rid of that card or at least hid it but I should've known better given that Teresa stops by even when I'm not home. "I can't look at these without thinking of you, enjoy - J" she read the the words slowly, before looking at me in disbelief. "J, whose J Selena? Justin?"

"Teresa," I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I huffed loudly. "Let me explain-"

"You were doing so good Sel, why?"

"You know how much he means to me T"

"Yes I know that, but what's more important is what you mean to yourself. He hurt you countless times what makes you think this time anything would be different? You need to put yourself first and what exactly do you think will happen with a married man? Did you forget that little detail?"

"He told her he needed some space," I said lowly, wrapping my arms around myself knowing hearing those words out loud sounded stupid.

"Fucking perfect," she rolls her eyes. "How long has this been happening?"

"Not long, he's come over here a few times and then we spent time away one day which didn't end exactly the best,"

"Do you see my point?"

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