Chapter 22: A Responsible Professor

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Finally respecting the schools apparition policy, Imelda and I floo to Hogsmeade and enjoy some relaxed hours with Sirona and other familiar faces at the Three Broomsticks

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Finally respecting the schools apparition policy, Imelda and I floo to Hogsmeade and enjoy some relaxed hours with Sirona and other familiar faces at the Three Broomsticks. Imelda fills us in on the politics and drama of Puddlemere United. Sirona tells us all of Hogsmead's biggest town headlines. And I fill in the gaps for Imelda and Sirona about the ridiculous events the night of the Sorting Ceremony, and recap the rest of the busy but fairly easy week.

"Sounds like you may be feeling confident, Miss Collins?" Sirona asks me, playfully.

"I'm not saying I'm not...not feeling confident..." I quickly discard the notion of working out those double-negatives. "That's something, at least, right?" I throw back the last swig of mead from the bottom of a hefty mug and throw my hands up. "What was I supposed to do with this full mug, Sirona? You gave me a full mug, I'm gonna empty it. Moral imperative."

Yes, alright I may be a little buzzed. Lot buzzed.

"But I admit, I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop," I say. Sirona passes me a glass of water. "Thank you!" I pause to take some large gulps.

As I get up from my stool, I add, "after all, it hasn't even been a full two weeks since I was informed I'd be a fuggin' professor at fuggin' Hogwarts, okay??"

Sirona and Imelda laugh, Imelda agreeing that she's not quite used to her new title, either. We say our goodbyes at the Inn and giggle about our mutual disbelief as we walk back to the castle, where Imelda bids me farewell around the North grounds to get to her quarters.

"To the kitchens!" I exclaim to literally no one but myself as I decide to make my way through the castle to sweet talk some House Elves, since I ultimately didn't actually eat much at dinner.

The halls are sparse and quiet. I feel fantastic. I feel cheerful and warm and just so delighted to be here. Lost in the content of my mind I almost physically run into Sharp on the Grand Staircase and it surprises me so much that I burst into a laugh and throw my arms around his torso in a sincere way. The drinks have softened the edges of my malice and I'm honestly grateful. I missed him this week.

He is caught off guard initially but softens his arms around my shoulders in return.

I bury my face in the lapel of his suit coat, saying, "I love you, Sharpie, and I don't like the feeling of to be mad with you," and though my words aren't the most sensical, I can tell he understands. We're not usually sentimental, but my buzzy heart can't stand the thought of this graying, scarred man having any more reasons to be sad.

"You're not angry with me?" he asks gently.

"Well yeah. No. Maybe. I dunno. Just confused with you."

After a pause he asks, "are you...drunk, Professor Collins?"

It makes me stand a little taller in his embrace to hear him refer to me as 'Professor,' and I stop myself from feeling like I'm in trouble, taking the opportunity to correct him in quite a proper way, "No! I was drunk. Off campus. I am a responsible professor, thank you."

He laughs, and then looks at me a little seriously, "I'm glad to have run into you. I was hoping to discuss something with you tonight since I spoke with Professor Sallow–"

PrOfEsSoR SaLLoW. I hate the way it sounds for some reason but mask my distaste as I step back and look up quizzically from underneath my eyebrows.

Sharp continues, "He's not only consented but specifically asked me to share with you...some of my experiences."


"Will you come and see me tomorrow morning?"


I flash him a thumbs up with my hand to confirm the plan, despite my quizzical expression. He laughs his grumpy half-laugh and squeezes my shoulders on his way past me and up the stairs, advising, "go sleep this off, Snidget."

Huh. Interesting twist in the plot.

After not too long, I have a new smile on my face due to the cinnamon sugar donut in my left hand and the giant green apple in my right. (Plus an extra in my pocket just in case). I take my time heading back to the Astronomy Wing to call it a night in the Room of Requirement, savoring the relative quiet of the castle and my delicious treats, and eventually finding myself on the suspension bridge that connects the South Wing to the Astronomy Wing.

I pause to look out over the open view of the sky and the water, appreciating the way corners and turrets of the castle creep into view from any angle, like hidden secrets. My mood still being so very warm, fuzzy, and congenial — I may have just shared one...okay two more liiiiitttle glasses of red currant rum with a helpful House Elf named Tookie — I unabashedly sit myself in the center of the bridge to enjoy the night air, not at all minding the jostling and swaying of the bridge beneath me.

Just so happy to be here. Look at that view.

After taking a large bite from my apple I realize it must either be very dark out here or my eyes are well adjusted to the darkness (or both) because a very-deep-in-thought PrOfEsSoR SaLLoW, who has just appeared on the bridge from the Astronomy Wing, doesn't seem to notice me sitting there.

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