Chapter 109: Vasudhara - Stream of Gems

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This morning, after I enjoyed a cup of chai with April – who, of course, enjoyed a cup of coffee – I was trying, no, struggling to subdue my nerves with meditation in preparation for this weekend. The thought is almost laughable, now, given the fact that I feel more and more comfortable the longer the evening draws on.

How I adore learning more about her work and the colony so beloved to her. April absolutely shines here. I am in total awe of her. Not a single centaur or centaurian looks upon her with the slightest hint of suspicion or derision. Rather, they greet her, laugh with her, and stoop down to share embraces with April who is to them a friend and equal. Her posture and height seem to rise up to them despite the fact that they must look down to meet her eye.

How she is mine, I'll never understand.

Thiago interacts with the colony in a very similar way to April, if not more so, though I don't know how it's possible to out-April April. But to also have Anne, Ominis, and Sharp here is positively surreal. The closest people to me in my whole life are here together, and all because of April. They are full of happiness, wonder, awe, curiosity, and interconnectedness.

And I get to be a part of it.

It confounds me, despite my joyful and eager participation in its reality.

Taking into account the fact that my soul enjoyed something of a rebirth between the conversations I had with Kai and Ominis, and adding the satisfyingly full belly I feel from dishes and flavors both new and strangely familiar, I almost hesitate to say I'm beginning to feel a sense of familiarity here. The more I observe within this centaur colony, the more it feels like the places I have called home for the last nine or so years.

I'm worried I might be driving April completely mad with the parallels I'm able to draw to my study of Bushido or Reiki, or every time I tell her the Sanskrit words for something the centaurs do that is similar to my experiences. Granted, I'm sure that's only my habitual insecurity talking, as April has smiled so beautifully every time I have shared something to that effect, often taking my hand and asking me to tell her more.

After our conversation with Kai and Anja, April's stress seemed to have been removed entirely, and her attentiveness to me and my comfort – ensuring my inclusivity in every element of the day – has been absolutely endearing. Excruciatingly endearing. If not for feeling the need to be on my best behavior, and not fully understanding the standards of appropriateness here, anyway, I'd have kissed her straight on the mouth and all over her face a dozen and a half times already.

Merlin's beard, I ache to be close to her.

I resolve to hold her and kiss her the moment she rejoins us again in the gathering hall where we have all paused to ready ourselves for the rest of the evening. Thiago, Ominis and I have changed into more centaur-adjacent attire that both April and Thiago have assured us will help to show respect for the moon ceremony.

Thiago and Ominis are sitting comfortably on some of the large cushions nearby alongside Anne, who remains in her typical attire of a simple cream-colored blouse, tan, wool skirt, and warm, brown woolen sweater. She looks so well today and I hope her curse leaves her well enough alone tonight.

Likewise, Professor Sharp – who is casually leaning against a large column of the gathering hall with his arms crossed – is also in everyday wear. His face, worn with the lines of his stress and experience, is illuminated in multicolored, unworldly, vaporous light from the glass orbs that hang above. A thin, wool scarf is tucked around his neck and into his vest with dapper aplomb that brings together his only-slightly-less-formal-than-usual black suit. His gentlemanly woolen overcoat makes him look indomitable through the shoulders but rather devil-may-care with the loose way it hangs about him.

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