Chapter 38: Mind Reader

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"I saiiiid

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"I saiiiid.... how'd it go with Miss Roka after class," April says with an arched eyebrow. We are walking Hogwarts' grounds towards the gate to Hogsmeade, and the sight of her, alone, has my head spiraling with thoughts of her body, and her hair, and her lips, and the ravenous, depraved, things I've been shocked to learn over the past week still live in my mind after all these years.


"You okay, Sallow?" she says.

"Honest answer?"

"Literally always that, please."

"I'm completely fine. I'm very distracted by how stunning you look."


"You said you wanted the truth." I say with a shrug. "Something about you in leather pants and linen."

She smiles shyly. "I practically always wear leather pants and linen..."

"Exactly. And it makes me feel things."

She laughs and turns into me, joking in a sultry voice, "what kinds of things?" and I have to push her away from me. I try to do it playfully, explaining, "Honestly, April, if you want me to be capable of walking comfortably from point A to B with you tonight, we're going to have to keep things light."

::Unless you prefer I throw you to the ground to fuck you at my every whim along the path.::

MERLIN, Sebastian! Calm down. Deep. Breath.

"I mean...there are plenty of trees you could throw me up against at your every whim along the path..."

"Merlin, April!"

"What! Sorry. Too much?"

"No! No. all." I'm just stunned every time you read the dark fucking voice in my head. "I mean, yes but only if walking is the goal..." I see a smile flash across her face. "It's just–" I stop myself.


"May I ask you a silly question?"

"No such thing. But yes, go ahead."

"Are you a Legilimens?"


"Can you read thoughts?"

She laughs. "I know what a Legilimens is, weirdo! And no, I absoLUTEly cannot read minds. God, it would be so convenient sometimes, though, right? But no. Plus, too much extra responsibility for my liking. Why?"

I'm relieved. Mostly. How strange. "No reason." I try to shrug it off. Then how does she keep doing that?

"Ummmm okaaaay, Mister Man, there is most definitely a reason but I respect that you don't want to discuss it now, so please note we will be discussing it at a later date." She turns and articulates the end of her sentence with a 'boop' to my nose.

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