Chapter 98: The Sleepless Nights

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::Hey mate, listen up

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::Hey mate, listen up...::
Sod off.

Breathe, Sebastian...two....three...four...exhale...relax...three...four...

::Why are you even trying?::

I feel into my legs and imagine my feet rooting to the ground.



I feel into the top of my head and imagine it expanding into the universe above me. 


::There is nothing but darkness above you.::

I feel into my hips...

::Go feel into her hips.::
Shit. Breathe. Three. Four.

I feel into my hips. Embrace...I am allowed to embrace the current joyfulness of my life...right?

::What joyfulness? You feel like a sorry sack of flaming rubbish.::


I invite myself to feel worthy of joyfulness. 


::Right, you've been trying to feel worthy for years. This'll be what does it.::

I feel into my forehead. I see...

::Nothing but fog and a throbbing headache, mate.::

I feel into my abdomen.

::Go feel into her abdomen.::

I invite belonging.

I am allowed to belong, you know. 


I feel into my throat.

::Feels tight.::
::Not her throat. Whose mind is in the gutter now?::

My throat does feel tight. What is it I'm holding back? What am I not speaking?

I feel into my heart that hasn't been this exposed in years.

No, it feels good.

April sighs quietly next to me. I don't think she's asleep. I wonder if she knows I'm not.

What time is it? Doesn't matter. Haven't slept a wink.

::Whine about it all you want, Seb. I'm feeling bloody fantastic. But also - you ever considered what a fucking knob-head you are?::

In the darkness, April quietly shifts in the bed to my right. The last few nights, she has gradually de-nuzzled from me over the course of sleeping (or not) and my arms feel empty.

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