Chapter 127: The Last Early Morning

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Shit! Late, again, you stupid-arse. BUT: For good reason, Bash. And for that, well done.

Merlin's beard. I would not be exaggerating much to say that enduring my time under the Imperius curse at Swayambhunath was less excruciating than leaving April's side this morning. The sheets wrapped haphazardly around her soft skin and tender curves. The subtle little snore in her throat that I will never mention to her, for fear of preserving my own life. The morning-after nature of her disheveled hair – a beautiful testament to her sweetest 'revenge' I've ever experienced in my life for what I had put her through yesterday. A single, silk ribbon that somehow remained tied around my wrist until morning, though thankfully not also tied around the headboard as had been its use the previous evening.

I hated peeling myself away from her. Yet I've never been so motivated. This is the last of my early mornings. I can feel it.

Rushing out the door of our quarters in the Room of Requirement and up the stairs to head to my exclusive passage to the Department of Mysteries, I realize I haven't left anything for April. So I double back to the kitchen table and pause to consider what to write, taping my finger anxiously around my quill.


Chuckling at my own stupidity, I hastily scribble on the back of a piece of parchment I had been using for miscellaneous notes.

Roses are red, Violets are blue,
What you did to me last night
Made all my dreams come true
xoxo –S

Perfect. Perfectly awful. I hope she laughs.

Rushing once more out the door of our quarters and up the stairs to ten descend to my exclusive passage to the Department of Mysteries that the Room of Requirement so kindly provided me, I'm stopped once again. This time, I'm caught off guard by the music that tumbles down from above. It pauses me immediately and I realize I haven't taken moment to steady my nerves and my mind this morning.

Thank you, Ominis.

My feet drag me to the center of the room where I kneel, letting my robe drop from my hand into a heap next to me – being the far-more-preferable option for Ministry presentability than a constricting suit-coat. My sleeves hang open at my wrists and I let my knuckles gently grace the stone floor while my lungs sync naturally to the melody of Ominis' piano. Merlin, I'm so tired.

Breathe in. Count to four.

The sound of Ominis' melody and his shared laughter with Thiago is enough to make this whole morning – this whole day – feel right and good. It makes the Centaurian moon markings on my skin hum with contentment in my skin and I have to remind myself not to get over-excited by the way things have been going for me since I came back to this country, this school, and this life. I stop myself from selfishly hoping I can begin more days like this, for years to come.

Slow down, Sebastian. One thing at a time.

Muladhara. I root myself to the earth. Like Kai.
Svadhisthana. I establish myself in myself. Like Thiago.
Manipura. Resplendent gem. Transformation. My April.
Anahata. Unhurt. Unstuck. Unbeaten. My heart as it is with my family.
Vishhuddha. I speak what is especially pure. Like Sharp. Good thoughts. Good deeds. Good intentions.
Ajna. I perceive beyond wisdom. Like Anne. Our shared sense of knowing.
Sahasrara. Thousand-petaled lotus. Consciousness. Like Ominis. The best of us.

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