Chapter 110: Matriarkka Måne

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Three great trees command my attention at the edge of the wood, in front of where I lay in the clover with Sebastian to my right and Sharp to my left. Maybe their names are Sebastian, April, and Aesop, too. They tower above us all – those of us lying on the ground, as well as Thiago and Ominis enjoying the comfortable arrangement of cushions and pillows that have been set out.

Staring at the bark, I can see the lungs of the trees beginning to rise and fall from within the space that their great trunks take up in the world. I smile to realize that my lungs are breathing at the same pace.

The leaves are all waving 'hello' at me and it breaks my heart to think of them falling from their branches soon in the cold of Winter.


Good heavens, what is this?

Focus, Ominis. Calm yourself. Trust Thiago. Trust April.

Chaos. Utter chaos.

Oh dear. Oh dear...


Elevated heart rate. Willing forgetfulness and simultaneous hyper-focus. Shallow breath. Growing sense of euphoria, much like acromantula venom. Ah, alas – without the element of pain relief. The happiness of knarl quill extract but without the diaphragmatic punctuations. Similar physical sensation to billywig powder but without the floating element, thank the gods.

All so curious.

"What is it you are staring at, Professor?" Mister Braga says through his supernal, toothy grin. "And is it also what is making you look so very pleased?"

Though I'd rather not be observed at all, I answer his inquiry. "No, no. Nothing in particular. My eyes are merely searching outside myself for answers, Mister Braga."

Back to it with a pause for focused attention. The timelessness I'm experiencing with this potion reminds me of Felix Felicis, with which one can most certainly get carried away in the feeling of good fortune and lose track of time, entirely.

"So," I feel myself beginning to speak without thinking. Having started a thought, I know April's endearing intractability won't let me stop it now, so I may as well continue. "How much time do you think has elapsed, exactly, since we partook of the potion?"

"It is no potion!" Kai says. He sounds rather dreamy about, his voice deep like a stately drum.

April pleads with a chuckle in her voice, "it doesn't matter how much time it's been, Sharps!"

'What's so amusing, exactly?' I wonder.

"Trust the process, Sharpie. Calm your mind. Just feeeeeel it," she says, dragging the last bit out. It makes me chuckle. And she squeezes my arm near the elbow where her sweet little arm is hooked about it. I get the sense she is only holding to me, but holding on to me. Curious.

Thankful to be lost in my own mind, Sebastian mumbles something into April's ear that I can't quite make out. Something saucy, no doubt. Gods, these two.

But, regarding her invitation, I am, indeed, 'feeling it' – this potion. Rather acutely. And I get the distinct sense we are all still ascending, though a few of the group haven't said much about it at all.

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