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I am finally going back home from the funeral.

I was sitting down on the couch still crying, "Why is all the people I love always leaving me?" I cried until a soft knock was heard on the door.

I dabbed my tears away and slowly made my way to the door.

I slowly twisted the door and met a pretty lady. "Hey dear, are you y/n? Kim's daughter?" She asked me but it made me curious, "Who are you? How do you know my name and my family name?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"Guess your mom never told about me then!" The lady's words made me more confused, "My mom? What do you mean?" I asked her, which made her chuckle again.

"I'm your mom's friend dear, her high school friend!" The lady said that and smiled.

"You're my mom's friend? That she always talks about?" I ask her and she nods "Yes, that's me, dear!".

"What makes you come here, miss?" I ask her, "Actually, I came here to get you!" She said smiling, "What? What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Because you're going to be my future daughter-in-law!" She said made me shocked.

"Did your mom mention anything about marriage to you, dear?" She asks me, and I remember what mom said before she died.

"Yes, mom had told me about that before she died!" I said, "Well, actually, the wedding will happen next month, me and my husband already discussed it, that's why I'm taking you today with me!" She said.

"But can you at least give me time just for one week to live by myself? Because there's a lot of memories of me and my family in this house!" I said.

The lady was thinking until she said, "Alright dear, but after 1 week, your going to go with me, okay?" She said and I nodded, "Thank you, miss!" I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"Alright dear, see you after one week! Oh dear, I forget you have to resign from your work, ok? because you're going to marry my son!" She said this before she left.

I was now lying on mom's bed in her bedroom crying while hugging her blanket and sniffing her scent. "Why do you have to leave me, mom?" I was non-stop crying, "Now I really miss you, mom!" I cried.

I get up from the bed and get Mom's picture from the cabinet. "Mom!" I kiss the picture and lay myself on the bed again, while hugging the picture tightly until I slowly close my eyes from too much crying.

Skip Time

I woke up early the next day. I stretched my body, and took a shower, freshening my body.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "Time for work!" I sigh.

I then left for work and all my colleagues were greeting me, making me smile. "Morning, y/n!" They greet, "Good morning, all!" I said while forcing myself to smile.

I was working as a waitress in the cafe. We all cleaned the cafe first before opening it.

After finishing cleaning, we opened the cafe until someone familiar came and called my name "y/n." He called, which made me shocked, "Doctor Yunho?" I was surprised. He then took a seat at the back.

"Oh, what do you want to order doctor?" I ask him since I don't want the other colleagues looking at me.

"I just want an Americano!" He said and I nodded my head. "Is that so? Don't want to add others?" I ask him, "Sure, get me one ice-cold matcha green tea latte!" He smiled at me, adding another order.

"Alright, your drink will be served to you soon!" I said and left him, but before I was about to go, he grabbed my wrist and said, "Yes, doctor?" I ask him, "Can I request?" He said with a shy face.

"What do you want to request doctor?" I ask him, "I want to make a request about the Americano!" He told me which made me confused, "What about the Americano?" I asked with confusion on my face, which made him chuckle.

"Can you do it for me?" He said, "Oh, you want me to do it for you? Of course I can, doctor!" I told him "so, can i go doctor?" I ask him and he nods his head.

I went to the kitchen to do his request until one of the colleagues came to me and took the order paper from me.

"It's okay y/n, let me do it okay!" He said, "But this customer wants me to do it for him!" I said, "Who's the customer?" He asked me.

I bring him out of the kitchen, and point to the table where Yunho sits. "Oh, good luck then!" He said that and left me confused.

I was making the americano and the cold matcha green tea latte. After finishing making the drinks, I called the other colleagues to help me.

"Mia, can you help me?" I ask her for help. "Sure, y/n, what is it?" She asks me, and I give her a tray with a drink.

"This, can you give it to the boy that was sitting at the back? Wait, come, let me show you!" I brought her outside and pointed to the person, "Okay, y/n!" She said take the drink to Yunho.

"Hello, sir, this is your drink. Enjoy your drink, Mr. Yunho!" She said making Yunho look at her, "Oh, where is y/n?" Yunho asks the girl.

"Oh, she's busy with her work, sir!" The girl said, "Can you help me?" Yunho asks the girl for help. "Of course, sir!" She smiled.

"Can you call Y/N for me?" Yunho told her, "Alright sir, I will tell her to come here!" She said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you!" Yunho thanked her "Your welcome, sir!" She said this before getting Y/N who was busy with her jobs.

Hello readers how this part going so far? Hope you guys enjoy with this part🤭 y/n future mom in law come to get her and her wedding will be next month😱

why her colleagues said goodluck to her when she taking doctor yunho order?😆 Stay tuned for the next part❤️

That'all for today luv and thank u luv for you guys support❤️

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