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San was done taking a shower and now he was lying down on his bed while thinking about tomorrow.

He then gave a call to his girlfriend, "Baby, go to the xxxxx hotel tomorrow night!" San told his girlfriend, "Alright, baby!" His girlfriend said, He hung up the call and chatted with his best friend, Wooyoung.

San: woo i have something for you tomorrow night🙊 and it was a special one😆 you better come, if not, you will get loss😎

Wooyoung: what do you mean san?

San: alright let me just tell you and promise me don't ever tell the others even the boys!

Wooyoung: okay2 what is it? Spill the bean!

San: actually i'm already married with the girl that i don't like😑 you know i really didn't know that girl but my mom arranged me with her! If i'm not married with her i will not going to be the ceo!

Wooyoung: what the?? Then what so special about tomorrow? And did maddie know about this?


Wooyoung: Then what so special about tomorrow???😱😱😱

San: you will see tomorrow woo😆 just come and you will know it😎

San placed his phone on the nightstand beside him and fell asleep. 

The next day, I woke up early and did my everyday routines then had breakfast downstairs. 

San was already downstairs eating his breakfast but when I went to the dining room, I took my seat beside San, and Ms. Choi greeted me, "Morning, dear!" And I greet her back. "Morning, mom!" I say giving her a smile.

"Oh mom, actually, we both were planning to go to the hotel tonight!" San mentioned that Mr. Choi cleared his throat and Ms. Choi just smiled.

After I was finished with my breakfast, I went to my room, and laid myself on the bed till Ms. Choi came inside with a bag in her hand. "Oh mom!" I get up from the bed.

She went to me and passed me the bag. "Use this for tonight, dear!" She winked at me making me shy. 

"Promise me one thing, dear!" Ms. Choi suddenly said making me look at her, "Promise me that you will never leave San!" She caressed my hand, but I just tried to nod my head.

The time was ticking until it was time for me and San to go. "Goodluck dear!" Ms. Choi whispered to me then hugged me. She also did the same to San, but San just ignored it.

San was driving us to the hotel in his sports car. I was staring at his features which made him mad. 

"Have you not seen a human before?" He said while his eyes still focused on the road which made me look away and just look outside the window.

They were silent along the way until we arrived. He then parks his car and we both get out until a girl approaches us and kisses San on the lips.

They pulled away from each other, then the girl stared me up and down and said, "Who is this baby?" She asks him, "She's just a maid, baby!" San told her while wrapping his hand around her waist which made me about to cry.

San and his girlfriend were walking together and I followed. "Wait for me, baby!" He kisses his girlfriend's forehead, then closes the door. He went to me, grabbed my hand, held it tighter and then brought us to the room. 

"It's hurt, San. Let me go!" I was struggling till his eyes looked at me and said, "Don't you ever tell mom about this if you tell her I'm going to do this?" He put his hand in the air and was about to slap my face.

"Understand?" He harshly grabbed my face making me look at him and I nodded my head in reply.

He then left me alone in the room, and I was crying. I then laid myself on the bed till I fell asleep. Wooyoung then arrived and called San, but there was no answer since San was busy making out with his girlfriend till the 3rd ring. 

San picked up the call, "Ya! I've arrived already. Where are you???" Wooyoung yells from the line, "Wait for me at the reception desk!" San told him, wore back his tops and got downstairs.

Wooyoung was waiting in the lobby till San came, "Hey bro! Let's go!" Then bring him to the room where he left his wife earlier.

"Here, just do anything you want to her, if she resists, just slap her, punch her, or do anything to make her obey! She's yours tonight! Don't worry, Woo, she's still virgin because I haven't touched her!" San patted Wooyoung's shoulder. San then left Wooyoung and Y/N alone.

Wooyoung was looking at the sleeping figure on the bed. He was scanning from the top to the bottom while licking his lips.

He went to stroke her head, making her wake up. "Who are you?" She asks the guy, "Don't be afraid, baby! I won't do anything to you, but you have to obey my words!" The guy said made her cover her body with the silk blanket.

"Don't cover yourself, baby!" Wooyoung pulled the blanket away from her.

He went closer to me, stroking my hair but when he was about to kiss me, I pushed him made him mad and slapped me hard on the cheek. 

"I already told you to obey me, but you leave me no choice!" Wooyoung grabbed her face and forced kissed her.

I was not replying to his kiss, which made him bite my lips too hard and make them bleed. He then went to my neck, biting, which made me cry. 

He ripped off all of my clothes and my undergarments, then pulled off all of his attire, then pushed his member inside me without letting me adjust his size, which made me scream and cry a lot from the pain.

After he was finished, he went to sleep, while I was non-stop crying from the moment I got raped by a stranger.

Hello readers🙊 how's this part going so far? Anyways enjoy reading!🤭

No wonder san want to go to the hotel earlier than expected😱 he want to spend time with his girlfriend while his wife he leave her got raped by his friend woo! Pity y/n🙁

Ok that's all for today and don't forget to stay tuned for the next part luvs❤️

Just to remind this is just a fanfiction😘 so, please don't put a hate on the artist😘❤️

Thank you and Luv ya💖

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