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The next day, I woke up to someone hugging me and my head felt a bit dizzy. I got up and saw the boy from last night then checked that I was naked under the cover.

"hey baby!" The boy greets me. Wooyoung got up from the bed, wore his attire from last night and gave a light kiss on my forehead before he left.

San was peacefully having his breakfast and eating his cereals in the kitchen till Wooyoung greeted him, "Morning, San!" But San just hummed as a reply.

Wooyoung sits on the chair beside San. "San, let me ask you,"Do you love your wife?" He suddenly asked San and San stared at him, "What do you mean?" He asked him back, "I just want to know if you love your wife or not." He asked San again and San just answered, "Of course not!" Made Wooyoung smile. 

"Why are you so happy?" San asks him, "Actually, if you don't love her, just divorce her and let me take her as mine!" Wooyoung said but San protested, "But how about my mom?".

"Just tell her that you don't love her and tell her that you want Maddie, not her!" Wooyoung patted his shoulder, but his hand secretly turned to fists under the table.

Wooyoung was about to join San Breakfast but then his phone had a call, "Alright, be there in a minute!" He said it on the phone.

"San, I have to go now!" Wooyoung said then left. After Wooyoung left, San went upstairs to his room, took the birth pills that his girlfriend left in his cabinet and went to y/n room.

Y/N was going to get up from the bed but San barged into the room and said, "You bitch, come here!" San grabbed her hair, then harshly grabbed her face, forcefully giving the pills to her mouth and pouring the water in her mouth.

"Gulp it!" He said with stern while pulling her hair hard, "I don't want kids from another boy in this house!" He said glaring at her.

"Why are you doing all this to me? What did I do wrong to you? If you don't like me, just divorce me, san!" I raised my tone and he slapped me hard on the cheek, then he left.

"I really hate you, Choi San!" I screamed in the room. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body. I went to the bathroom, screaming that I really hate San, even though I don't care that the neighbors heard it. San took his key cars and went out, slamming the doors shut.

After I finished getting ready with my attire for the day, I went out of my room and checked that the house was messy, especially in the living room and the kitchen.

I was sighing looking at the mess, but I have to clean it. I went to my room and did my job. San was at the mall right now, to release his stress. He was walking until he saw someone familiar which was his girlfriend, Maddie.

"Maddie?" San called the girl made the couple look at him. "How do you know my fiancee?" The boy beside her girl asking him made him smirk, "Fiancee?" San stared at her made her look away.

"Your fiancee here is my girlfriend!" San said to the guy who was holding his girl's hand, made him get punched by the boy, "You don't ever touch my girl! If you touch her again, you die!" The guy threatened San, who's on the ground now.

He was glaring at the both of them from the back. When he was about to get to them again, his phone got a call and it was from his dad, Mr. Choi. "Hello, dad?" San said, "San, go to the company now!" His dad said then hung up the call, making him sigh and get home first to change his outfit.

He went to the company and met his dad with his dad's friends. "Wow, you have a good-looking son that is going to be the CEO!" One of his dad's friends complimented him, "Thank you, sir!" He Thank them. "Behave yourself!" Mr. Choi whispered to him.

After the conversation was over, San was about to go, "How's your wife, San? "You guys good?" Mr. Choi asks him, "Oh, she's fine, dad, and yeah, were good!" San said it with a fake smile on his face.

"Alright dad, I want to go home since my wife was alone in the house!" San said giving an excuse, and his dad nodded his head. "Send love to your wife from me and your mom!" Mr. Choi said, "Alright, I will tell her later!" San said with a smile plastered on his face.

San went home, then made a mess again. He was throwing all of the things in the living room which made me wake up and go out just to see San making a mess again.

San was looking at Y/N, who was standing and looking at him until he smirked. Y/N ran to her room and about to close the door, but it was too late.

San pushed Y/N on the bed then slapped her on the face non-stop without mercy because his thoughts were full of Wooyoung wanting him to divorce, and his girlfriend cheating on him. He was hurt right now, but he released it to his wife.

I was crying right now. "San, please stop!" I begged him while crying, but still, he's not stopping, which made me scream. 

Then he slapped hard on my face, "Just kill me already!" I gave up, made him stop and left me in the room alone again. "Why is life so cruel to me?" I cried while my tears never stopped running out.

San went to his room, looked himself in the mirror then punched his hand on the mirror, which made his hand get bleeding.

He was secretly crying, curling himself on the bed with his hand still bleeding, then slowly falling asleep. 

Y/N was looking herself at the mirror in the bathroom and her face got a handmark that was red from too much slapping from San.

All she can do is cry. She went to the bathtub then lay inside, still crying till she fell asleep.

Hello readers🤭 i'm backkkk!!!

Looks like san don't want to divorce y/n?😱 Y/n got abused again but this time it's more worst and pity y/n😢 why can't he just let her go? What happened to him?

Want to know more? Stay tuned for the next part luvs❤️

Congratulations to ATEEZ to get 1st on billboard for their the world ep.fin will album🤭❤️ really proud of them and to all fellow atiny who always support the boys❤️❤️

Now i can't wait for their unit mv's and jongho to come out😆

I know you guys can't wait too😏 same as me as well😆


Thank you for your support and luv ya❤️

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