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San removed his spectacles and used his palm to massage his face. "It's time to go home!" he said, sighing. After grabbing his blazer, he left his office and made his way to his car then drove off to his house. 

He parks his car in the garage, then makes his way to the house. He stared at Y/N bedroom door and was about to go to her bedroom but stopped because he was really tired and he went upstairs to his room. 

After he freshened his body, he went to bed, shutting his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Y/N was sitting on her bed, wondering whether she wanted to get out of this house or not, until she heard the main door open. 

I just wait for San to get up. After I'm not hearing his footstep anymore, I went to the door and opened it a bit to check outside in the living room. It was empty and there was no sign of him. I slowly closed my bedroom door and made my way to the main door.

I slowly twist the door open and slowly close it then run away from there. I ran even faster till I reached the bridge. It was empty and no car was in the area at this hour.

I get up on the bridge, I stand up on the bridge and stand still in the center. I looked down and my heart was beating faster. I was crying, "Let's go meet mom! Goodbye cruel world!". I close my eyes and am about to jump, but someone shouts from the back and grabs me by my waist.

"Y/n!" The person went to her and took her.

Seonghwa was on his way back home from work, and his eyes were really sleepy since there weren't any cars around. 

He kept on driving till he saw a girl standing on the bridge, and his eyes were widening seeing the familiar person. He stops his car, then hops out, shouting the person's name and grabs her. 

"Are you really out of your mind?" He said to her a bit madly in his tone, which made her cry and fall to her knees. 

Seonghwa went to hug her, and she hugged him back. After she was finally calmed down, Seonghwa asked her, "What happened?" But Y/N just look down and say, "I'm done with this cruel world!" She said made Seonghwa comfort her with a hug and shush her.

"No one loves me!" She cried, "Let me disappear from this cruel world! I don't want to feel any pain again! Let me kill myself! Let me disappear from this world!" She continued while sobbing. When she was about to get up again, Seonghwa stopped her. 

"I love you, y/n! I really love you! So, please don't kill yourself! I don't want to lose you!" Seonghwa said, hugging her tight. 

I was shocked. "You love me?" I ask him unsure, and he nods his head. "Don't ever think that anyone is not loving you! I'm always here with you!" Seonghwa said which made my tears come out again. 

We were hugging with each other for not too long. Seonghwa brought me to his car and help me sit in the passenger seat. "Ok, tell me what happened?" He looked at me, and I looked away. 

Seonghwa grabbed my face and connected our lips, making me kiss him back, but then I pulled away. "I'm sorry, y/n!" Seonghwa apologizes. "It's okay!" I said, giving him a smile. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Seonghwa asked me, and I nodded my head, then told him about what San had done to me.

Seonghwa's hand turned into a fist, but I held his hand to made him calm down. "Promise me!" I gave him my pinky finger, which made him confused.

"What?" He asks me with a confused expression on his face. "Promise me that you're not going to tell anybody about this, including San!" I told him, and he made the pinky promise with me. 

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