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There is one week left until Y/N's birthday. San was getting ready in their bedroom before heading downstairs with a large amount of cleaning equipment in hand. His wife was staring at him, asking, "Sannie? Where are you going, and what is with the cleaning supplies?" Y/N question him.

"Oh, we have a cleaning campaign today because the office has not been cleaned in a long time!" He lied to his wife, and she just nodded. Before leaving the house, he kissed his wife's forehead and cheeks for the kids.

San drove to Y/N's house, where the boys were waiting for him in their cars. "I am sorry for being late guys, I had to lie to her." San said, and the boys nodded.

"It is fine, hyung!" Jongho patted his shoulder. He took out the key and opened the door.

Although there was a lot of dust, the furniture remained in its original position.

"Let's get it clean!" Seonghwa stated, and the boys began working on their own. Seonghwa and Wooyoung were cleaning in the kitchen, Mingi and Jongho sweeping the rooms, Hongjoong and Yeosang wiping all the windows, and Yunho and San were cleaning the bedrooms together.

Yunho was busy wiping the mirror table with a wet tissue until he opened the make-up table drawer. He gasped upon seeing Y/N with her family photo. San kept calling Yunho, but he did not answer.

San approached Yunho and noticed that he was holding a picture of his wife and her family. "You are so lucky, yunho!" San said something that distracted Yunho this time. He looks at San, puzzled.

"What do you mean?" He asked him back. "You are really lucky because you got to meet her mom!" San said something that made Yunho look at him, this time in shock.

"You still remember?" He asks him, and San nods, "Of course, I remember Yunho!" He said, chuckling. "San, for me, you are the lucky one because Y/N chose you!" Yunho smiled as he spoke.

"Let's continue our work, don't want to waste time!" Yunho said, and san nodded. They continued cleaning until they were all finished and exhausted.

"I ordered takeout for all of us, okay?" San spoke, and the boys simply hummed in response due to exhaustion. After waiting about 15 minutes, the food arrived.

They were all eating and not leaving a single drop of food. "Thanks for the food, San!" Hongjoong said until everyone thanked him for the food.

"No problem, guys, and thank you for helping me!" He said, and they all replied, "No problem!". After eating, they took a short break before heading home.

3 days before Y/N's birthday

As usual, the boys waited for San. When he arrived, the boys got out of their vehicles.

"This is the last day for our work!" San spoke to the boys. Once inside, they began decorating. Wooyoung was working on balloons. Yunho, Hongjoong, and Jongho were working on decorating the table. Yeosang, Mingi, and Seonghwa worked on props, while San printed a Polaroid of his wife and set up the lights.

The boys have to work on the decorations together, but they all have different tastes, which leads to a small fight.

They were arguing over how to arrange the balloon until it was finally finished. "Done!" Seonghwa stated that he did all of the decorations because everyone was arguing about the arrangement.

"Thanks, Hyung!" San said to Seonghwa. "Don't just thank him!" Yunho said.

"Yeah, I have been using a lot of my oxygen on that balloon!" Wooyoung spoke.

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