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I woke up early today since probably today will be my last day in this house because tomorrow Ms. Choi will take me with her and today will be my last day of work at the cafe.

I got up from my bed, took a shower and got ready for work. 

I went to look at myself in the makeup mirror. My face was really pale and I put a light make-up on my face, so that I didn't look like a walking zombie. I walk myself to the cafe and as usual before we open, we do cleaning first.

I look around and there's no Seonghwa because usually Seonghwa will be at the cafe early in the morning, and I look at Luna who was busy washing the dishes but when she glared at me, I looked away.

I was doing my job by taking the orders from the customers, doing the dishes, if there's dirty stuff in the sink and helping the cashier.

It's finally time for a break. I went to the room that we usually use for breaks until I saw a lunch box at my place. "Oh, from who is this?" I thought then took out the lunch box and something fell on the floor.

I looked at the ground there was a small letter. I placed the lunch box on the table then took a seat, and opened the small letter.

Hey y/n, here i make a lunch box for you! Please eat! You know i do this by myself and i have to woke up early! Please eat okay!

From: seonghwa 🖤

It makes me smile and I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Seonghwa.

Y/n: Thank you for the lunch box hwa🤭

I opened the lunch box, and it was so cute because there's a mini-love in the middle.

"Awwww, hwa, thank you!" I said but the clock was ticking making me eat the meal faster since I only left 30 minutes for lunch.

I was eating, but then my phone got a notification and it was from Seonghwa. I put back my phone and finished my lunch box. Then after finishing, I went to my phone and checked a message from Seonghwa.

Hwa: no problem y/n🙊 i hope you like it and enjoy your lunch🤭

Y/n: Thanks hwa🤭 you know the mini loves is so cute😆
Y/n : See? I already finish it!😆
Y/n: Thanks again hwa🤭 anyway hwa why are you not coming to work today?🤔

Hwa: oh i have a meeting with boss today😅

Y/n: I see🤭 alright hwa i have to go now🙊 bye

Hwa: Bye🤭

I went to put my stuff and my phone back. "Later, I will give this to the office!" I look at the letter. I went to continue on with my work as usual, and Seonghwa finally came inside his office room.

I excuse myself to the other senior to see Seonghwa. I knocked softly on the door until Seonghwa said "Come in!".

I went inside holding a letter in my hand. Seonghwa was really happy to see me but his face changed when he saw the letter on my hand, "What is that?" He asked me with a sad tone.

"Oh this! Actually, this is a resignation letter because my aunty wants me to live with her and it's really far from here, so she wants me to resign." I lied while smiling and even inside, I was sad because I didn't want to leave this cafe and this town since I have a lot of friends here.

"A~ will we be meeting again?" Seonghwa asks me with a sad expression on his face, "Of course, hwa!" I said and tried to force a smile. "We can still contact each other, hwa!" I said.

I walk forward to him and pass him the resignation letter, but then suddenly Seonghwa pulls me for a hug. 

"Hwa, it's okay. We can still meet each other!" I hugged him back and rubbed his back because I knew after this we would not meet again which made me tighten the hug.

We then pulled away from the hug. "Promise me?" He said, "Promise!" We linked our fingers together.

I went out of his office then continued my work till the day turned dark and it's time to go home. Seonghwa was offering me to go home with him and I agreed.

Once we both finally arrived, "Thanks for the ride, hwa!" I thank him with a smile and he replies to me with his sweet smile.

"Night!" He said before leaving, "Night, hwa! Be careful on the road!" I said and he nodded his head. "Okay, boss!" Made me chuckle.

I waved at him and went inside the house but then my stomach was growling making me sigh and I remembered that yesterday I forgot to buy a ramen cup, since yesterday I was hanging out with the boys, which made me forget about it.

I went upstairs to my room, took a shower, grabbed an outfit from the wardrobe and then wore my outfits.

I went out to the 24-hour convenience store and the road leading to the store was really quiet. Only a few cars were around.

But when I was on my way there, there was a boy who was trying to kill himself by standing in the middle of the road, "Hey!" I shout, but the boy didn't hear me, "Hey! Get out of there! It's really dangerous!" I shout again, but the boy ignores me again, and when there's a car speeding, I run to him and save him.

I push him along with me till we end up rolling on the road. I was looking at him, "Are you really insane?" I scolded him made him cry. "You know you can get killed!" I said made him cry more.

Hello readers😎 how's this part going so far?🤭

Looks like seonghwa and y/n will never met again after this🙁 but who knows in the future what's happening right?

How about the boy that y/n save from killing himself? Who would that be?

If you guys want to know more stay tuned for the next part🤭

Luv ya❤️❣️

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