°×°Chapter 5°×°

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°Carlita's POV°

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°Carlita's POV°

"Take everything, but the delicious deals, guys. My mom loves them." Eddie says, leaning on the kitchen counter, staring at us as we raided his food cabinet, the very next day.

"Hey, first you said the barrens, and now your saying the sewer." Eddie points out, I could only take a guess and say he was in one of those moods, where he'll be questioning everything, and telling us how bad it is.

"I mean, what if we get caught?" Eddie asks.

"We won't, Eds. T-t-the sewers  are public works. We're the public, aren't we?" Bill states, which he had a pretty good point. I stood a bit away from them, trying to get my mind together, flashes of yesterday kept appearing in my head, I shook my head, and paid attention to what the boys were bickering.

Richie opened up the Kaspbrak medical cabinet, "Hey, Eddie, these your birth control pills?" he asks.

"Yes, and I'm saving it for your sister. This is private stuff." Eddie says, going to close the cabinet in a hurry.

After the boys were done gathering everything they needed, I took my escape through the back door, wanting to avoid Eddie's mother questioning me again, for some reason she like me, a little too much for my liking. I met up with the boys in the front yard.

I hopped on silver behind Bill holding onto his waist, I left my bike at home on purpose, to be closer to the Stuttering idiot, putting on my brave face I put my arms around his waist and laid my head on his back, his presence alone was comforting. Stanley finally joined us halfway on the road.

"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stanley mumbles pointing to different bushes around us, when we arrived at the opening leading into the sewers.

"Where? Where's the poison ivy?" Eddie asks as he took a look around him in panic. Bill and I was staring into the entrance into the sewers, I was on edge and nervous and Bill took notice of that, because he turned to me.

"Hey, it will be okay." he told me in a calming voice, I shut out the other boys bickering, taking a deep breath, Bill held out his hand, I took ahold of it without any hesitation. I followed Bill into the dark sewer pipe and disgusting smelly water, Richie right behind me.

"Okay, I'm starting to get itchy now, and I'm pretty sure this is not good from my..." Eddie was rudely interrupted by Richie. "Do you use the bathroom as your mother?" he asks.

"Sometimes, yeah." Eddie says, staying at the entrance with Stan.

"Then you probably have crabs." Richie states seriously.

Holding Bill's hand, made me feel more secure, my eyes following my flashlight, looking for anything that might point us in the right direction.

A bit further in I saw a shoes drifting above the water, moving closer, I pulled Bill with me, Richie and Eddie was still bickering about who knows what, I've learned to shut them out, because it can get annoying at times.

"Bill, do you see that?" I point my flashlight onto the shoe.


He let's go of my hand reaching out for the shoe picking it up from the water, inspecting it a little closer.

"Guys!" Bill yells out, all of them turned towards as staring at the shoe in Bill's hands, his light also shining on it, so that they could see it even more clearly. 

"Shit. Don't tell me that's...?" Stanley asks trying his best not to say any names. "No,  Georgie and Alex wore galoshes." I spoke up, remembering what they wore on the day they disappeared. My heart felt heavy, the sadness was sometimes a little too much to bare, Richie joined my side taking a closer look at the shoe.

"Who's sneaker is it?" Eddie asks from the entrance.

"It's Betty Ripsom's." Richie says nervously.

"Oh, shit. Oh, god. Oh fuck. I don't like this!" Eddie say, freaked out.

"How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin' shoe?" Richie chuckles, after he spoke up, the disbelief I felt was plastered on the others faces. 

"What if she's still here?" Stanley asks, his eyes still on the shoe. Bill turned to walk further into the dark sewer.

"Eddie, come on." Richie says, telling the Kaspbrak boy to follow them inside.

"My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out that were playing down here. I'm serious." Eddie states seriously. I rubbed my head, when a sudden headache hit me.

"Carli? You okay?" Stanley asks, making Bill get to my side very quickly, he had no reason to freak out, it was only a headache.

"You okay?" Bill asks.

"It's only a headache Bill, calm down."

"Okay, but I think we should get out of here for now." Bill whispers.

I hated how everyone was treating me like I was delicate, especially Bill, it felt worse when he did it.

There was a sudden splash, making me jump in fright, turning around, only to see the new kid, who fell down, he seemed to be seriously injured.

"Holy shit! What happened to you?" Richie asks looking at him adjusting his glasses.

I ran over to the new kid, my headache completely gone, "You okay?" I ask softly trying to see where the blood came from, he nodded his head at me.

"Can I see?" I ask his permission. He nodded his head lifting up his shirt to show me his injury, on his stomach was an H carved into his skin.

"That sick son of a bitch." I mumble, he really did it this time, I turned to the boys immediately. "We need to get to the pharmacy immediately, this wound need to be treated right now." I state, Bill was staring at me, which looked like admiration, I shook my head, I'm finally going delusional.


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