°×°Chapter 17°×°

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°Carlita's POV°

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°Carlita's POV°

Time was going by slower, as I lay in my room day after day, wondering why Bill suddenly ignored while we were in Neibolt, but I couldn't think of any reason why, my ankle was no longer blue or swollen, but sometimes still hurt when I step on it. Home has been starting to feel different after my parents saw my ankle, taking me to the hospital immediately, but they still didn't talk or ask any questions, maybe it was for the best.

Richie, Stanley and Mike came over whenever they had the time to hang out for a bit, I really appreciated to have their company. After two weeks has passed after the fight, there was still no sight on Bill, everytime there was a knock on the door I would run, only to be disappointed, after awhile I just ended up not caring anymore.

When I was able to step on the ankle, I started going out, staying in the house has started making me go crazy. I would spend my time on Mike's farm helping with the sheep, we would talk for hours about everything and anything, Mike became like another brother to me. Mike's grandfather was actually a very sweet old man, if you look past all of his superstitions.

Stanley ended up surprising me with his speech at his Bar Mitzvah, his dad tried everything to stop him from continuing his own speech and not the one his dad gave him. After he finished his speech Richie and I stood up clapping hands, we were forced to sit back down by the adults. When the ceremony ended, I congratulated Stanley with a hug, he had a bright smile on his face was worth it. Stanley and I got a lot closer over the last month, which was quite unexpected. The Uris boy was afraid that none of his friends would be there, Richie and I being the only one's that showed up.

Two days after Stanley's Bar Mitzvah, all three boys came over to hang out for the day.

I opened the front door for them when they arrived, my eyes looked over at the Denbrough household, seeing Bill, by his kitchen window staring this way, deciding it's best to ignore his stares for now, I got back into the house, closing the door, I followed their voices to my living room. We played a bunch of boardgames, winning all of them, the boys started thinking I was cheating, so we just decided to talk and make stupid jokes. I knew deep down I was worried, worried when It would make it's next move, but for now I tried to not let it bother me.

Mom came of work earlier, she appeared in the living room, looking at the mess we made. "I'll clean everything up later." I told her, cutting Richie off telling us one of his ridiculous stories.

"Lita, can I talk to you?" My mom asks, pointing towards the kitchen. I nod my head, slowly standing up. "I'll be right back." I mumble to the boys.

I walked into the kitchen rubbing my arm nervously, she points to the chair infront of her, silently asking me too sit down.

I sat down, waiting for her too speak up. "I'm sorry." Was the first thing mom said to me, looking down at her hands shamelessly, it took me by suprise.

"For what?" I ask, no emotion in my voice, as I stared at her.

"Ignoring you like you don't exist, blaming you for Alex's disappearence and death. We know it's not your fault and we know we don't deserve to be forgiven for what we have done, but can we try and act like a family again, because I miss my little girl terribly." Mom says, tears running down her cheeks.

I stare at her, my mind racing with a million thoughts, but I pushed that thoughts away, getting up from the chair, my feet moved around the table pulling her into a hug, as my own tears started falling, I felt her pulling me closer to her.

I send the boys home, cleaning up where we made a mess. When mom finished dinner, we sat down watching a movie, I cuddled up to my mom's side, she held onto me tightly.

I've never seen my dad cry before, but he did when he got home, finding me cuddling with mom. He just threw his things down, holding me in his arms, saying he's sorry over and over again, mom joined the hug too, not long after.


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